
Chapter 23

Over the course of the years of training. Caleb learned several types of moves from the manual he was gifted. Still, he began to add the use of boxing style and nimbleness to his daily routine to make them level up organically. However, he had grown so much that he had plenty of stamina to keep training even at night, but he could only use his halberd at home or at school, or any facilities that he could train in. The Hablerd was especially troublesome to become good at than boxing. One needed constant practice, so he put in extra effort. Unfortunately, the manual was only a book… so he couldn't judge whether what he was doing was right or wrong, lying around and creating his own craft is no bueno either since he wasn't that adept at the art of combat with the weapon.

So that's when he thought over the things he needed. One, most importantly, he needed an instructor who specializes on the Halberd to teach and guide him. Two, he needs a training partner to further sharpen his moves. So if Caleb wanted to improve on his abilities, he needed to find an instructor. The second part was already solved since his friends are enough to be his sparring partners for a while. So the second part was naturally solved for now. The question was: where could he find a master who is willing to teach him the arts of the Halberd?

But, that was a problem for another day. Even though he desperately needed one.

After some time, Diantha began to spar with Caleb, Diantha's weapon of choice was a rapier, she looked so elegant with it that it further enchance d her charms.

While Eusine and Eclairisse sparred against each other, with the former with a wooden sword and the latter with a wooden bow and arrow. Eusine was practicing his blocking by deflecting and dodging the arrows, while Eclairisse shot arrow by arrow at him while constantly moving her legs in a nimble manner. Until now, she avoided getting close to Eusine too much since that was a very dangerous zone for an archer.

Diantha and Caleb's spar was a sight to look at. They attacked each other relatively fast, even Caleb dodging and attacking Diantha with accuracy and speed.

When he deflected Diantha's attacks he could feel the power from it. Just the sound of it colliding with his Halberd made him goosebumps. 'Even with equipment on, I still have to avoid getting hit by her attacks... Diantha really have very great strength even though she uses a Rapier.'

Like they were copying each other, the two tried to hit their legs, but the shaft of the Halberd collided and blocked each other. A low strike like that was easy to land, after all. They also tried to hit each other's ribs. Still, once again, the weapons collided against each other… the same thing happened so many times. Eventually, it became a contest about who was the strongest and who would land an attack first. While it was silly, they went and did that for quite a while… until Caleb landed a clean hit on Diantha's shoulder.

Wincing in pain even with the gear Diantha counter as she spun and stabbed, aiming at the spot below Caleb's throat.

But he easily deflected it as he spun his short Halberd in front of him, making Diantha lose her balance. He struck again, and before the attack could land, he stopped it just above her head. "It seems like I won this time around too. Not bad though, Diantha."

"Dang it! I don't like that smug face of yours at all." Diantha said. She patted her body, removing the dust that were on her when she tripped.

Things were proceeding well as they sparred till late at night while constantly changing sparring partners, and judging by Caleb and the other's moves, they are improving and are thinking of other ways to counter attack in difficult positions. Even though sloppy, they still made it work.

They just needed time to refine and corespondingly work on their mastery over their weapon.

After talking with each other and releasing their pokemon to play and bond, his three friends left as it was beginning to be quite late.


Nothing much happened the rest of Caleb's week as time passed by quickly. He was just training by himself and sometimes read books.

"Dear, your grandfather told me to inform you that you should go to his office." Noraima said.

"Did grandpa finally came back from his business trip?" Caleb asked as he ate his food.

"Yeah, you got to hurry and go there. He said that he is gonna train you about something." Clint joined in the conversation as he was there when his father asked them about Caleb. "Father really had been dotting you than the rest of your cousins..." He laughed. "He hasn't shown such favoritsm ever since your big brother began to show his talents after he graduated from the academy-" His words stopped right there as silence engulfed the room.

Caleb sneaked a peek towards a corner where there was a picture of the whole family, with a person who Caleb knew was his big brother from the memories he got from the owner of the body.

After some time of silence Noraima suddenly stood up from her chair as she quickly finished her food, she quietly climbed the stairs but Caleb noticed that altough she was walking slow her image was moving really quickly.

"Me and my shit stained mouth." Clint blaimed himself for her reaction. He sighed.

Caleb kept his silence, but he was curious so he asked. "Dad... If you don't mind me asking. What happened to big brother? I don't have any memories that I could remember about him. Except that he is my big brother and I know that he got missing on an accident."

"Hays..." Clint sighed once again. His face showed various emotions, from frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment, and then acceptance. "Time sure flies so fast, huh... I can still remember the days... The days when your mother didn't have to hide and carry the sorrow of losing our first born..."

His father visibly aged as he depressingly talked. He kept on sighing and shaking his head before coming to a decision. All the while Caleb was patiently waiting for his father to speak.

"Since you are already so big, and also would eventually become a Pokemon trainer." He paused before continuing. "It is only natural for you to know what happened that day."

"The day Charles, your big brother had to do an urgent mission for the League." Clint gritten his teeth when he mentioned the League.

Caleb knew that Clint was having a hard time talking about this. So he got up and quickly got his father a glass of water.
