
Battle on the surface, war behind scenes (part 2)

The newcomers stopped flying to float a few meters away from Daimon and the others, Adam glared at Jasmine with hatred burning in his eyes, but then he ignored her and gazed at Daimon.

"Last chance, handle that bitch over as well as the trident she stole, then get the hell out of my sight and you'll live, otherwise…".

Adam hadn't finished speaking, when Daimon appeared near him, but to his surprise he didn't aim at him, instead of that he pointed the cross bow at the blue haired woman, whose eyes glowed in a dark light, a dark metal whip appeared on her hand, as she waved it towards the cross bow.

"Booom!", the moment the whip clashed with the white flames that were appearing in front of the cross bow, the flames exploded and the shockwave created by the whip was also dispelled, creating a loud explosion that flew Adam away.
