
New town, new group and new problems (part 3)

"Stick closer to the carriage and prepare some defensive means, use your Beast Equipment if needed, Ken you get in the carriage and protect sr. Gary", shouted Tanner as he jumped onto Gary's carriage.

The bald mage Uli was the first one to react, he moved closer to the carriage and took out a large sword with a red core embedded into its hilt.

The water knight Nolan too the other side, he changed his regular spear for a dark blue one with a sky-blue core in the tip.

As for the guy called Ken, that was the last mage and his Beast Equipment was strangely a cape, Gary heard Tanner's orders so he slightly opened the door and the caped guy jumped into the carriage.

Surprisingly, once the door closed again, the carriage blurred before it mixed with the environment.
