
Partial truths from the past (part 2)

Daimon casually waited for the moment Annete ordered Horals to stop, this is a personal matter for her, so she is in charge of the interrogation, in any case, Daimon believes that Annete is patient enough to not take Carlos out of his limit, she waited one hundred years for her revenge, having the power to execute it, because that was her mother's wish, at least she can let out some steam in this way.

On the other hand, this is the first time Daimon is seeing Horals's interrogation method, and he had to admit that it was quite something, at first, he thought he was using his battle aura to inflict physical pain to Carlos, but that wasn't the case.

Horals has the ability to manipulate his bones however he likes, to the point that each major division of his body can act as a separate entity using one of his body parts as the core.
