
The Fire Golem (2)

The first attack on the boss activated the boss' HP bar immediately. A red strip showed the Fire Golem at full HP. ZhaoYun's one attack did not even scratch him. It probably hurt as much as a mosquito sting. The Fire Golem lazily moved his hand to smack ZhaoYun, but the latter already swung his body forward while hanging onto his spear. By the time the spear left the Fire Golem's body, ZhaoYun had already landed on the ground.

I positioned myself between ZhaoYun and the other four DPS attackers to be able to heal all of them in time. The Fire Golem roared and started to stomp on the ground. One stomp was equal to a decrease of 2000 MP at my side, and a considerable chunk of HP for my teammates. I healed the DPS attackers first before I rushed to heal ZhaoYun, who had to move around the Fire Golem to land attacks while dodging his attacks at the same time.
