
A Small, Warm Feeling - I

The blood transfusion was going to be done today and it had been quite a few days since the idea had been introduced to her. She had not been told the reason for the delay but Jade assumed it was because of the warriors that had fallen because of her.

For now, she had been advised by the doctor and the healer together, that it would be for the best if she focused on moving around a bit before the blood transfusion.

By moving around, they meant that she was supposed to walk around and not just lie in bed all day. Apparently, resting to her heart's content was not healthy.

So here she was, taking a walk alongside the line of the forest where it grew deeper. It was not obvious, but she knew that someone was going to keep an eye on her.

Jade knew enough about keeping an eye on someone to know when someone was tailing her the entire time. Malfrid had definitely asked someone to do that.
