
A Missing Piece

Alexander also keenly peeked out of the window to see what was so interesting that his friend kept on staring outside. But all he could see was the dark sky and the street that was sparsely lit with the lamps from the merchant’s houses and a few shops.

Everard, on the other hand, had his eyes dead set on the carriage. As the carriage that he had seen far away in the street was getting closer and bigger in view, suddenly a thought crossed his mind.

‘Could it be…?’

He swiftly turned to glance at Alexander and asked, “Alex, did you get the reply letter from Anna yet?”

“No, not yet. Why?” Alexander asked and got up to see if Everard saw a messenger's horse approaching.

Everard’s heart suddenly began to hammer inside his chest with anticipation.

‘Is it the letter from Anna? Or…’ His eyes sparkled when his fantasy got the better of him. ‘Or is it Anna herself? I need to take a look from the street!’
