
True Colors

“Are you sure you will be fine going with Lord Vincent alone?” Tilla looked at the Queen and asked for confirmation.

Tilla felt relieved by Anastasia’s decision because she wanted to be nowhere near the dungeon again. But at the same time, she didn’t want to leave Anastasia on her own when she was in such a weak condition.

Anastasia gave a nod. “Mhmm. I will be fine.”

She wanted to take the risk of getting scolded by Caspian by going to the dungeon. But she knew it was too selfish of her to put another person’s life at risk for the sake of her mind’s peace.

Anastasia then held out her hand towards Vincent.

Vincent took a step forward and bent his knee to match Anastasia’s height. Then he took the Queen’s hand to put it around his neck. When Tilla let go of her hold on Anastasia, he swept Anastasia off the floor and carried her in his arms.

“So, where are we going?” he asked the Queen.
