
family troubles.

Looking at the leveled and debris-filled city in front of him, a look of murderous madness appeared on Andhaka's face.

He clenched his fist so tightly it nearly felt as if it was gonna break and churn into ash powder.

All the other Asuras and Danavas behind him had nearly the same looks on their faces.

"Meet me here in fifteen minutes whoever wants to go to Nagaloka. " Andhaka whispered quietly but the words rang loud and clear in each of the godly beings' ears.

He darted towards the Royal palace with a cold look on his handsome face.


" Not here. " Andhaka's hands started to shake as he stood in the last unchecked room of the dilapidated palace.

" w-wait!! I can track that soul orb. " Andhaka's eyes blazed up and he quickly concentrated and started searching for the orb.

" found it. " Andhaka's eyes shot up in hope and pleadings at the same time as he looked at the West.


Rasatala is a realm and has many cities and towns inside it. After becoming an Ultimate class you get a large piece of land from the palace and there is enough capacity to have many more Ultimate classes. That's how big the realm was.

But since they were quite less in their numbers, only a hundred thousand combining both the Asuras and Danavas, the capital held the most of the population and the rest was near the cities surrounding it as the near your domain to the capital was the more powerful you are.

And at the center of it was the gem of the Pataal loka. The Capital city of Asuras, it was the city that was the most important city in the whole world at some point in time, and surrounding it were four big mountains.

To the outsiders, these were just normal mountains but only a selected few knew of the fact that these four mountains were large bunkers like flying machines.

The second Asura king after defeating the heavens wanted his kingdom to be located at the exact center of the three worlds which was the Kailash mountains and he didn't just want to create a new city, he planned to teleport the whole of Capital to the Kailash and to make that dream a possibility, after year's of hard work and failures, a way was created.

Four large flying machines were created which when activated at the same time, connects with each other with the capital as its center and could fly wherever they wanted.

But since the second Asura king was killed and Prahlada had no plans to follow in the footsteps of his father so he stopped this project and was instead covered by large rocks and turned into a mountain which was now only a bunker for the uncertain times, this drew a disgusted reaction from the Asuras as they had full confidence that no matter how weak they became, nobody can invade their capital and put them in danger but now it looked like King Prahlada was right.


Andhaka violently burst through the locked and sturdy door as he couldn't think of any other way.


Looking at the plethora of bloody and lifeless bodies of Royal Asura guards and Female maids, Andhaka's heart started to beat faster and faster.

Barely controlling his emotions he stepped into the large dome and was once again gonna search for the soul orb of that foreign god but -----


A Fist was currently grinding against his bone weapon.

Andhaka turned around while swinging his fist.

" AAAARHH--------------- Jalandhara? " Andhaka stopped his punch in its tracks as he looked at the small and familiar body of his little brother.

"...It's you. " Andhaka said grimly with veins popping from his head and his teeth clenching hard enough to crush each other.

" Haha hahaha, you never thought something like this would happen right? " Jalandhara spoke in an unfamiliar yet familiar voice with deathly mist covering his eyes.

" Now what will you do? Kill me? But it will kill your brother too? Hahahahahahaha, now I am bonded to his soul permanently. We are one, kill me now if you dare, hahaha hahaha " Jalandhara laughed contemptuously while pointing at Andhaka.

" Fk " Andhaka muttered coldly while looking at the body of his brother but the soul of his enemy.

' how can I be so careless? '

" but how is that soul orb still functioning? " Andhaka asked hoping there was some catch.

" I am the god of death you, idiot. Hahaha, do you think it is hard for me to escape and fool a soul orb created by some inexperienced dark god? " Jalandhara spoke in an arrogant tone while smirking at Andhaka.

" And I have to say. This boy is very - very talented. I was the god of death but this body has even better potential than my previous one. Hehe, he once again thank you. even saying this a thousand times won't be enough------- what are you doing? " Jalandhara shouted in panic while backing off.

"We are Asuras and Jalandhara is, even more, Asura-like than me and I know he would prefer death instead of having his body taken by some random god of death which I absolutely destroyed in a fair fight. " Andhaka muttered coldly while clutching the end of his bone weapon.

Jalandhara's childish face distorted in fear and frustration as he looked at the Asura king in front of him.

" Wait - wait, this is your brother. If you kill him, there is no coming back. " Jalandhara tried to reason while backing down.

" Don't worry. I will avenge my brother by destroying the underworld of your ' Pantheon ' and hunt every single person associated with you and then make them plead for death. I think that will give satisfaction to my brother's soul. " Nergal didn't take the words of the Asura standing in front of him as a bluff, killing a brother isn't very uncommon in the world of gods, so he fully believed that Andhaka would do as he states and given the time to grow he surely believes that the Mesopotamian pantheon will be in big danger from this young Asura.

Still, his main body was alive and he also had full confidence in his main body, so whatever the hell happened to the Mesopotamian underworld wasn't his concern. ( This was a Nergal soul part. Exp in Earlier chapters )

' what am I? ' Nergal suddenly wondered, he is a part of his soul cut out from his original body, so he isn't Nergal anymore, but like a lesser version of himself, he thinks on his own and Nergal may not even know of his existence.

" I want a life " Jalandhara suddenly shouted.

" I ALSO WANT TO LIVE " he once again shouted loudly as Andhaka approached him with weapons drawn.

" Then you just have to leave my brother's body and I will let you go and no other Asura will also target you. You have the promise of the Asura king. " Even though he absolutely wanted to shred this entity with his hands but if letting him live meant the safety of his brother, then letting him live was his choice.

" Didn't you hear me earlier or do you think I was simply bluffing? I am a cutout part of a soul and can't exist on my own anymore. Since the time I attached to Jalandhara.....I.....and he... Are really...ONE.. "

" Arrrggghhhhh, you ?!!!? " Andhaka stopped his hands from strangling his brother's neck.

" Then how is this? " Andhaka cooled himself down and spoke calmly.

" You can live in the soul of my brother and be his eternal guardian. Be his friend or whatever you want. You can teach him things, advise him, and be his friend. Because I am hundred percent sure, as Jalandhara grows, you won't be able to control his soul and I won't let you keep control of his soul even for a day. "

" Do you think I am a slave? " Nergal muttered coldly.

" Jalandhara won't just be a simple Asura in the future, I think even you must have gotten that by now, you can be his eternal friend. Other than that there is nothing to not----

" Agghhhhhhhh, " Jalandhara shouted in pain while thumping on the ground with his knees and his hands supporting his body from the ground.

" !!!??!! Hahaha, so it takes energy for you to sustain and since you are just a leeching parasite then it means you run on my brother's energy. Hahaha, good. Now I just have to immobilize you and wait till Jalandhara comes back to senses then we can think of how to get rid of you....or you can choose the option given by me and in the future, if there is any chance, I will help get you an individual body. I promise. " Andhaka spoke while keeping the pressure on the soul, not giving him too much time to think about a counterattack.

" Sigh..... What else can I do except for accepting your terms, you tyrant!! " Jalandhara muttered coldly after a moment of hesitation and seeing Andhaka's chain once again tightening at his hands.

" before things go down I have some conditions. " Andhaka spoke with the same grimly tone, not giving an inch of relief to Nergal.

" Jalandhara shouldn't know anything about today " Andhaka spoke while pointing at the dozen dead bodies in the hall.

" And you won't take over his body without his consent and close off your senses if he says. He also needs his private time, can't have an old soul seeing him washing and naked. Although if he is ok with you then that's not my problem. " Andhaka spoke in full big brother mode. He can't imagine a creepy old death god speaking in your mind when you are bathing naked, so this was absolutely not a topic he would concede on.

AND This was a quite good thing for his brother if went through.

" I agree to all your demands but promise me that you won't kill me or imprison me if you get the chance and will get me a new body if it is possible. "

"As the King of Asuras and the son of Hiranyaksha, this Andhaka promises you that I shall fulfill your stated demands, but remember no words about today and you won't be trying to manipulate his thinking or I will make you beg for death. Take that as a promise too. " Andhaka spoke with a formal and cold smile.

" Now go back and close your senses. I want to talk to my brother. "

" he needs rest. Too much energy depletion for today. Will pass out once I relinquish control. See---- " Jalandhara suddenly slumped unconscious into Andhaka's hands

" My sweet little brother. I am so stupid. Your life was in danger because of me and....no way in hell I could have killed you. " Andhaka spoke softly while picking up the small body of his brother and sending a ball of darkness into the hall which erupted into fierce dark flames, suddenly engulfing the whole dome.

" Nothing happened here. " Andhaka muttered as he walked out of the broken door and the view of the destroyed and rubble-filled city entered his eyes, once again.

" And we have things to do and some snakes to fry. "


Feeling his broken jawbone hanging loose in a weird fashion, Andhaka finally decided to use his weapon's normal form.

He put on that Asura-like mask he always carries on his waist at his face, he can't go around like this with a broken jawbone, he has to cover it up until he finds that healer guy or his teacher to fix his injury up.

" Idiot little brothers. " Andhaka muttered slightly as he looked at the unconscious and sleeping bodies of his two brothers, Jalandhara and Kalanemi.

But this peaceful relaxation of his mind didn't last for long as his current situation once again came back to his mind's focus.

His city, the city in which his father ruled, the city in which he grew up, was now filled in the rubble with hundreds and thousands of dead Asura bodies littered across the city and blood running down the streets as if they have had a bloody rain.


" Damn, Damn, Damn. Is there no one alive? " Andhaka asked with fury.

The majority of the godly Asuric and Danava warriors had gone with them to train so the core strength of the realm was still there but still, there were a total of ten to eleven retired and working god-class Asuras in the city and now.....they couldn't find one.

"...br--King, w-we...just found the dead bodies of that healer.....and the realm lord.... except that there is no body of any god class Asura in the city... " Svarbhanu muttered in a meek voice with his fists clenched in fury.

If he doesn't showers those damn snakes with the worst possible torture and agony, then he won't be called Svarbhanu anymore.

" K-King.....we found a survivor.." one of the Asuras spoke in a sad tone.

" Bring it in. "

" Yes, my king. "

" Svarbhanu how is the estimated damage? " Andhaka asked coldly as one of the Asuras stepped out of the room to bring the survivor.

" Brother the city had a registered sixty-five thousand residents tomorrow and after the quick search of the city, we found a total of forty thousand dead bodies and the others are missing. " A silence echoed in the room as all the godly beings assembled there had various thoughts running in their heads from hatred and fury to sadness.

" King, why are we waiting for? Let's go to the Nagaloka? " one of the Asura shouted with a desperate look on his face.

Looking at the middle-aged Asura's tired and soulless face, Andhaka's anger only grew more stronger.

He doesn't have a complete family anymore, only two guys but most of these warriors have been living here for thousands of years and had large and happy families with many wives, daughters, and sons, now most of them were dead or either not found. So he can imagine to an extent how they felt.

Most of the warriors in the hall had lost someone or something they held dear to themselves.

" King he is here. " The Asura came back with a Danava wrapped in bandages and green pastes.

" King, " The Danava bowed slightly to Andhaka who nodded slightly and indicated him to go on.

" King it was just a normal and happy day in the city. I am an instructor in the city under the Grand instructor and so we were just following our normal routine when they appeared... The Nagas appeared in hundreds and hundreds of armies and covered the whole sky, our barrier obstructed them from entering the city but it was broken after some time and then they rained down upon us like we were some livestock waiting to be eaten. Grand instructor Marich was confronted by the Naga army's supreme commander, Vishdar, while the main forces of Nagas led by their king marched to the Royal castle, I don't remember much after that as I was injured and trapped under the wreckage after that.....but...I heard something. " The man suddenly grew nervous as he looked at Andhaka and quickly uttered everything he knew quickly.

" Speak it. " Andhaka spoke in a chilly tone while imagining the scenes in his mind.

" i-I heard some Naga soldiers talking about eating the Asuras for revenge like the second king did to them. "

The temperature in the room went suddenly very low as ghastly and deathly looks appeared on the faces of each of the Asuras.

The majority of the warriors in the room had been alive and kicking during the reign of the Second Asura king, his uncle, and had eaten the Nagas raw and cooked and in many other various ways...but that was that now when imagining the same thing happening to their people, they weren't able to contain their anger anymore.

Some may call it double standards but that is how most of the world is, they liked it when bad things happened to someone else and enjoyed it too, but when it happened to them they were suddenly filled with righteous words and justification.

But no matter what, today one thing was final, they won't stop until they completely wipe out the Naga realm.

" Gather what number of Asuras are left in the other cities and Svarbhanu call Mahishasura and Vritra if you can. We only wait for half an hour, after that whoever wants to go to the Nagaloka can come with me. Now dismiss. " Andhaka muttered coldly as poison and blood dripped out of his words.

" Today no matter who comes to save you, whether it be Shiva, Brahma, or Vishnu. I...WILL... ERADICATE THE RACE, NAGAS " Andhaka muttered grimly.

The hatred between the Asuras and Nagas now had reached to the point where they can't accept any result other than agony and death for the Nagas, anything other than that would be humiliating the deaths of thousands of their kin and they would rather accept death than make any concession.

Now only one would remain between the two, Nagas or Asuras.

" Brother there is someone who wants to meet you. " Svarbhanu spoke once all the others were out of the hall.
