
[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 117: The End of the Blade

Yato and Rukia exchanged bewildered glances, utterly perplexed by the sudden appearance of Kon in what appeared to be a human form. Yato's mind raced, trying to piece together how Kon could have possibly acquired a Gigai. It seemed utterly implausible, and yet, there Kon stood, grinning mischievously as if he hadn't a care in the world.

Yato: "How...?" - He began, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the words to express his bafflement.

Rukia's eyes widened in realization as the pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into place. She glanced at Yato before turning her attention back to Kon, a mixture of disbelief and amusement flickering across her features.

Rukia: "Did you...?" - She started, her voice tinged with incredulity.

Kon nodded enthusiastically, his grin widening as he proudly confirmed Rukia's unspoken question.

Kon: "Yep! Yours truly managed to snag a Gigai from Urahara-san's shop! Pretty impressive, right?"

Yato: "Hold on a minute..." - He interjected, his tone cautious as he regarded Kon with a skeptical gaze. - "You expect us to believe that you just waltzed into Urahara's shop and walked out with a Gigai? That seems a bit... unlikely."

Kon's grin faltered slightly at Yato's skepticism, his expression shifting from cocky confidence to sheepish uncertainty.

Kon: "Well, uh... not exactly..." - He stammered, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the right words to explain.

Rukia raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued by Kon's hesitance. She exchanged a knowing glance with Yato, silently urging him to press Kon for more details.

Rukia: "There's more to the story, isn't there?"

Kon let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head as he sheepishly admitted the truth.

Kon: "Okay, okay, you got me..." - He confessed, his voice tinged with embarrassment. - "The truth is, Urahara was actually working on some prototype Gigais, and he offered me one of them. Since Urahara had already rigged up that darn device to detect Bounts, I also asked for a new Gigai, since I can't fight using Ichigo's messed-up body. It's kind of like a portable Gigai, and I've been keeping it stored inside my plush body."

Ichigo's irritation flared at Kon's words, his grip tightening on his zanpakutō as he shot a glare at the mod-soul.

Ichigo: "What do you mean 'messed-up body'?!" - He growled, his voice laced with frustration and indignation.

Kon: "I gotta admit, it feels good to be back in action!" - Kon said with a grin, flexing his arms and stretching his legs, reveling in the newfound freedom of movement and ignoring Ichigo's words.

Ichigo, his frustration evident in his clenched fists and furrowed brow, swung his arm swiftly, landing a solid punch on Kon's head as a sign of his annoyance at being disregarded.

Kon: "Hey!! I think I deserve a body of my own instead of being stuck as a plushie or wandering around in your perpetually grumpy face, you big dumbass! Besides, Urahara said this Gigai is for emergencies, and, well, this seemed like a pretty big emergency!"

Ichigo's scowl deepened, his patience wearing thin.

Ichigo: "And you couldn't have mentioned this before?!"

Kon: "I thought it would be more fun to surprise you all!" - Kon tried to lighten the mood, but Ichigo was having none of it.

Rukia: "Enough!!" - Her voice rang out with authority, cutting through the chaos of the battlefield. - "You two are acting like fools! This is not the time for your petty arguments and bickering. We're facing a serious threat, and we need to focus if we want to come out of this alive! Now, get your heads in the game and stop acting like children!"

Her stern gaze lingered on Ichigo and Kon for a moment longer before she turned her attention back to the looming threat of Baishin.

Baishin seized the opportunity, gathering spiritual energy around him as he prepared for his next move. Suddenly, a torrent of razor-sharp blades materialized above Ichigo and Kon, poised to rain down upon them.

Ichigo and Kon, caught off guard, shouted in unison.


In a panic, both of them leaped in opposite directions, narrowly avoiding the lethal rain of blades. The battlefield echoed with the clang of metal as the blades struck the ground.

Meanwhile, Yato took advantage of the distraction caused by Ichigo and Kon's antics. Utilizing his Shunpō combined with his Fullbring high-speed movement, he vanished from his position, reappearing behind Baishin with his zanpakutō ablaze with yellow flames.

As Yato's flaming zanpakutō descended towards Baishin, the shinigami reacted swiftly, bringing up his own weapon to block the incoming strike. The clash of their blades sent sparks flying, illuminating the battlefield with fleeting bursts of light.

In the midst of the collision, Yato felt a strange sensation, a fleeting moment of disorientation that seemed to ripple through his consciousness. It was as if something unseen had brushed against the edges of his mind, leaving a lingering sense of unease in its wake.

To Yato's surprise, it was Baishin who spoke next, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle with an unexpected calmness.

Baishin: "Don't let yourself be distracted." - His words, devoid of malice or taunting, carried a solemn weight, almost as if he were offering genuine advice rather than engaging in combat banter.

Yato, momentarily taken aback by Baishin's unexpected remark, found himself pausing for a fraction of a second, his focus wavering ever so slightly. He observed Baishin's demeanor, noting a flicker of satisfaction or perhaps resignation in his gaze, which puzzled Yato, leaving him questioning the Shinigami's motives.

Seizing the opportunity presented by Yato's distraction, Baishin swiftly made his move, forcefully shoving Yato aside and unleashing a barrage of blades aimed at him. Yet, before Yato could react to defend himself, Rukia materialized in front of him, her zanpakutō poised against the incoming storm of blades.

Rukia: "Tsugi no Mai, Hakuren." • Next Dance, White Ripple •

With a swift motion, Rukia thrust her zanpakutō forward, unleashing a powerful wave of spiritual energy. As the energy surged forth, it coalesced into an avalanche of cold air, engulfing the razor-sharp blades in a swirling vortex of frost.

The frigid wave enveloped the battlefield, freezing the blades in their tracks and rendering them harmless. Yato, momentarily stunned by Rukia's display of power, watched in awe as the lethal rain of blades was neutralized before it could reach him.

Meanwhile, Ichigo, Kon, Yoruichi, and Soi Fon rushed at Baishin and continued their relentless assault. The shinigami, now facing the combined might of the four, skillfully parried their attacks while leading them towards the Tagayama mountains.

The scene was intense as everyone closed in on Baishin, launching attacks from all directions. Kon, with determination etched on his face, aimed his kicks at Baishin's vulnerable spots, hoping to disrupt his balance. Rukia and Yoruichi, with focused expressions, weaved intricate Kidō spells, their hands moving swiftly as they attempted to restrain Baishin's movements.

In the direct confrontation with Baishin, Yato and Ichigo showcased their coordinated attacks. Ichigo, utilizing the high speed of his Bankai, exploited every opening against Baishin.

Everyone could sense that the battle was nearing its end.

Yato briefly glanced at Ichigo and noticed how unsettled the young man appeared, a sentiment Yato understood all too well. Ichigo had a knack for sensing the emotions and, to a certain extent, the true intentions of those he crossed swords with.

Initially, Yato had a vague recollection of Baishin's goals, but after careful consideration, he remembered that Baishin's ultimate objective was to die. This realization heightened Yato's understanding of why Ichigo was disturbed by the situation.

Kon lunged at Baishin and delivered a kick to his face, momentarily obstructing the shinigami's vision, who didn't realize that Yoruichi was casting another Kidō.

Yoruichi: "Bakudō #73: Tozanshō!" • Inverse Mountain Crystal •

Kon swiftly darted away from his position, and soon Baishin was ensnared by what seemed to be an inverted pyramid.

With Baishin momentarily confined, Yato swiftly maneuvered to Rukia's side, sensing her readiness to strike. He saw an opportunity to synergize their abilities, amplifying their impact on Baishin.

Rukia: "Tsugi no Mai, Hakuren!" • Next Dance, White Ripple •

Yato: "Yon no Uta, Zankyosanka!" • Fourth Song, Reverberant Song •

Rukia unleashed a fierce torrent of freezing air, while Yato infused it with his blazing flames. As the two forces collided, a spectacular display unfolded. The icy cascade took on a crimson hue upon contact with Yato's fiery energy, intensifying its potency. The air crackled with anticipation as the fusion of elements converged. Upon contact with Baishin, it resulted in a deafening explosion.

Ichigo wasted no time as he surged forward with a determined expression, the edge of his blade slicing through the air before making contact with Baishin's chest, leaving a deep gash and finally inflicting a visible wound upon the formidable adversary.

Meanwhile, Yato, though not as fast as Ichigo, launched himself towards Baishin with unwavering resolve, his zanpakutō wreathed once more in vibrant yellow flames, ready to strike.

As Yato's blade neared Baishin, the shinigami, despite his injury, reacted swiftly, grasping Yato's weapon firmly in his hand, preventing it from delivering its full force.

A peculiar smile graced Baishin's features, a blend of contentment and satisfaction, as if he had found solace in the midst of the chaos. Before Yato could react to the unexpected display, a swift blur streaked past Baishin, revealing Soi Fon standing resolutely behind him, her gaze steely and determined. Droplets of crimson stained the tip of Suzumebachi, evidence of her swift and precise strike.

Soi Fon: "Nigeki Kessatsu." • Death in two Strikes •
