When Wyomin, noticing the sudden change in the demoness' emotions, followed her gaze and saw Max, her eyes widened in surprise… then her lips curled up in a smile.
Suddenly noticing something, she appeared in front of the demoness, her aura pressing down upon her and a long whip appearing in her hand.
"If you are ready to fight me to the death, try moving." She said, a murderous chill in her voice.
The demoness scoffed but stayed in place.
The same happened on Alton's side. The demon keeping watch over him was stronger than the demoness, but Alton managed to keep him from taking action.
On the ground…
The short demon had just started absorbing O'Mara's blood essence when the putrid smog stopped coming off Max's body and the blackness rapidly receded.
He stopped twitching. His eyes snapped open as he took a deep breath and sat up.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: