
It wasn't going to last

"Can you tell me why you left your teammates to welcome the foreigners and instead decided to go somewhere else?"

I sighed as I walked inside the garage of Junior's club, I didn't bring my bike because someone would connect the dots.

I was wearing a black huntsman shirt that was designed like a normal one, just more flexible, it was buttoned up and the sleeves were folded up to my elbows, black pants, and combat boots.

The pouch on my thigh felt heavier than it ever did now that my mother was here. Not that I didn't try getting her to go with the others.

With a sigh, I reached down and opened the pouch, taking out the silver pistol I made a while back, My folded dagger and my mask followed suit.

I had cut my hair to avoid suspicion, so...I didn't need the hair tie anymore.

"Why do you have those?"

I ignored her again and walked inside.

The club was busy even though it was not even night yet. Ignoring the loud noises, I walk toward the only place that would provide me with answers.

Taking a seat, I look over at the bartender and raise a hand, motioning him to come over.

The man with brown hair raised an eyebrow and smirked when he got a good look at me. He had a scar right above his right eye, going from one corner of his forehead to the other. Funny enough, I was the reason he was even alive.

"Long time no see, ghost, How has life been treating you?"

Summer between the man and me with a questioning gaze, raising an eyebrow as if to tell me that I would have to explain this later.

"It has gone stale as of late, Leo, but im hoping that it will get better soon enough."

He chuckled and took a bottle from the shelf behind him. He started doing those fancy flips...

"Pour the damn drink and then do the performance, I haven't had something to calm my nerves for a while."

I'm thirty-one with the original Roys memories and over twenty-three without them, give me a break.

With a chuckle full of amusement he poured the drink into a shot glass and placed the bottle next to me.

With a sigh, I open my mouthpiece and downed the drink. It burned as it went down my throat, leaving an enjoyable sensation as it went.

"Where's Junior? I have a few questions."

he grunted and pointed towards the "Staff only" door, nodding, I grabbed two bigger glasses and poured the drink into them.

With a nod, I stand up and move towards the staff room with two glasses in my hands, My footsteps were silent, but I doubted that even if they weren't, anyone would hear them.

Pushing the door open, I swept my eyes across the other workers and then at the door of Junior.

The slowly aging man looked up from the papers he was reading and stood up when he saw me.

"Ghost! How have you been?"


I walked over and sat down in front of his desk, placing his cup down on the table.

"I still don't like that nickname..."

He chuckled as he sat down, looking over at me with a smirk. Everyone calls me that nickname when I wear the mask. Anyway, I was here for information.

"Do you know anything about the suddenly disappearing dust?"

His face grew serious and he sat down and sighed, it looked like he aged a few years.

"It's Roman, the dust supply is lowering, it costs more and is harder to import, this doesn't only cause trouble for the huntsman, it is a problem for the general population, clubs, stores, hell the production that uses dust as power stopped because the return is practically nonexistent."

I sighed as I brought the drink to my lips, taking a slow sip.

That was a problem indeed, but he can't do that alone, can he? He might be good, but he's not that good.

Deaf to my internal questions just like everyone else, he continued.

"He even asked me for a few men, I didn't know at the time what he needed them for and I owed him one favor and he went to rob a store... Thanks for not crippling my men, by the way."

I nodded, continuing to think about what to do...

"What does he mean crippling?!"

huh... I thought I told her about the robbery. Oh wait, I did, I just cut out the gruesome parts, didn't want her to know that I could shoot someone and not make a big deal out of it.

"Do you have any idea where he might strike next? I might be able to... perform some pest control."

Junior grabbed the glass I brought for him and swirled the liquid around in it for a bit before answering with a sigh.

"The Schnee dust company is sending a large amount of dust in a few days, he might be there, give me a sec and I'll give you the exact time and location. I can't guarantee that he will show up, though."

He opened up a laptop and started typing.

"Are you searching it up on the internet?"

He stopped and looked over at me with a blank face.


He totally was. That is hilarious.

I chuckle at him, smirking as I brought the glass to take another sip.

"Two days from now, the cargo comes in in the evening but knowing that bowler hat-wearing prick, he won't act until midnight."

Kind of cliche if you ask me.

Silently drinking the glass together with junior, I decided to stay here for a while...

-A few hours later, in the dorm room-


Staying was a mistake...

"I left you alone... for a day..."

Yang tried to speak but I cut her off before she cloud even begin.

"No, scratch that... I left you for five hours... Blake's gone, Weiss is acting like someone had taken her favorite candy and here you are, trying to give me an excuse..."

I bring my hand up to the bridge of my nose, massaging it to at least do something distracting while I re-think my life choices.

"Did you know that Blake was a Faunus? And a terrorist at that!"

I look over at Weiss like she was stupid.

"You mean you didn't notice her bow twitching at any sudden sound? I thought we decided to be quiet until she was comfortable to tell us..."

Yang and Weiss looked at me like I grew a second head...

"....I'm surrounded by idiots."
