
Mutant madness!

A/N: Thank you guys so much for 200k views and 1.3k collections!<3 also question theoretically all humans in marvel have the X-Gene so should norman activate his. If so what powers do you want to see (if there is a lot of comments I will spin a wheel that has my favorites)


Mutants, human beings that have awakened their X-Gene allowing them to possess a evolutionary ability. For example, Laura has super healing, Psylocke is a telepath that can also conjure weapons out of energy, and Caliban can use his ability to sense mutants in a certain range.

Many regular people discriminate against mutants and that led to the creation of two main factions Charles Xavier who runs a school for mutants and Erik Lehnsheer who is the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants a known terrorist organization. Both have drastically different ideologies that could dictate your outlook on life if you join them.

I simply don't care for either option personally I think Charles Xavier is a fool that thinks humans will simply change their minds if they witness a team of mutant superheroes. And Erik is also a fool in my mind, how is creating a cult of followers that believe in mutant supremacy ever going to change the world?

Luckily for the mutants that wish to join my organization, I don't care enough to change how the world views them, but I can change how they view the world. They don't need to believe they are superior to join me and they sure as hell don't have to be a bunch of superheroes and all of that bullshit.

Then if not to change the world what is the purpose of the League of Shadows? It's simply to help me and those loyal to me gain strength and influence so one day in the far future my family and I can live unhindered through the vast universe.

And if I change the world along the way, it's purely a bonus.

---pov change Yelena----

This past week has been amazing, Doc lets me meet up with Natasha some days and I usually just mess with her. Truly it was the right choice to join him whoever he is.

---pov change Laura----

I made the right choice joining Doc me and him spar often and he even introduced me to all of these new things. One thing I have enjoyed, that my mother often talked about are chocolate milkshakes mmmm~ they are so tasty especially when laying in a bath.

He recently recruited two new mutants and it's interesting to hear about what they went through.

I know he doesn't know this but I truly think of Doc as my family. I hope one day I will be able to see who he is under that mask.

----pov change John wick---

Who would've thought that the guy I trained would end up becoming a big shot in the underworld? What's even more ironic is he is now my boss. Thankfully he didn't lie to me though and I get to just relax with sweet sunflower when I'm not off on a mission. Life is peaceful right now and I'm content.

Also, who would've guessed the nickname Doc I gave him would've stuck.

-----Mc Pov----

I'm close to perfecting the diluted version of extremis so it will only cure wounds. Just a little more and I will succeed.

Just then the door to my office is opened


I look up and see it's Caliban "what has caused you to barge into my office?"

"I'm sorry boss but it's urgent! A new and powerful mutant just awoke their X-Gene." he hurriedly replied

"Hm interesting tell me more." I said

"Whoever it is just awakened near a middle school in Queens and I already sense some familiar mutants from both Xavier and Eriks teams." he explained

My eyes widen for a brief second "what middle school?" I asked calmly

"I don't know the name but it seems like a high-end one why?" Caliban responded

My breathing hitched for a split second before j responded "keep me posted. You can leave now."

There is one middle school that's first that criteria in queens, Harrys. I don't know the situation but I must keep him safe at all costs.

I quickly contacted Felica and told her to make her way to harry immediately and get him home.

As she did that I called Taskmaster, the five Siberian super-soldiers, and Bowman. I would take bucky but his arm is completely metal, and so are Laura's claws.

The goal of this mission is to first save Harry and second steal some new members.

----Charles Xavier POV---

The team is already on its way to the new mutant and I'm sure Erik isn't far behind. Scott, Logan, Ororo, Gambit, are the ones going. I hope they are okay.

-----Harry POV----

I don't know what's happening but all of a sudden the whole school went dark and an ominous feeling washes over my body. Suddenly I get wrapped up in a warm embrace I recognize the person. Felicia? How is she here?

And the next thing I'm in my living room still in mom's warm embrace.

She pulls off cupping my cheeks with her warm comforting hands and says " I know you're confused but wait for your father to come home."

Sigh, I guess I will wait for the old man.

----Pov Magik---


I'm so glad I'm back! As I look around I realize I'm in a school?

For some reason, my powers are going crazy turning the building's power off and on.

As I was about to leave a group of people showed up there what I assume leader wearing a red helmet. Then another group shows up out of nowhere and both groups seem to be bickering?

"Um, who are you guys?" I ask

"Girl don't be afraid you are a superior being now! Join us and we can show these homo sapiens how powerful we are!" the weird one in the res helmet says

"Don't be afraid girl we can help you control these powers and someday you can live in harmony with humans that aren't like us." a beautiful woman of African descent says

"Um are you guys alright in the head? When did I ever say I want to join either of you." I said in response to both groups

Both groups ignored me and kept asserting their points at each other ultimately a person on the helmet guys team struck first. A peaceful school with children inside turned into a battlefield and they probably don't even notice.

------pov mc---

As I and my team got to the battlefield I quickly put a shadow domain around the school protecting the kids inside. That's caught the attention of everyone present.

I immediately found the cause of the whole fiasco Magik, she must've just returned from the underworld.

"Tsk tsk tsk shame on you all for fighting where you can easily harm children." I said my voice reaching all ears

While they were distracted one of the super-soldiers appeared behind Gambit and took him. Another behind Raven also took her.

"WHERE IS RAVEN!" Erik shouted at my

"WHERE IS GAMBIT!" Ororo shouted

"Shut up." I said


Logan tried to rush me from the side but an arrow came out of nowhere piercing his skull.

Erik and Ororo share a look then both teams appear to team up on little old me.


I saw a lightning bolt flying my way so I jumped to the side quickly.


I turned to see who was the origin of the noise only to be met with Juggernaut 10 feet about from me.

For People who fight against each other, they sure make a great team.

Seeing as I couldn't dodge or shadow walk away in time. A crazy thought came to my mind and I executed it immediately.


A huge black mass of shadows with a green tint sweeps across Juggernaut's body and when it dissipates a figure all bones was left sucked of any life.

My shadows seemed the strengthen from all of the life I took from juggernaut, interesting. I guess that's what happens when I combine touch of the plague with shadows. Not waiting to see the aftermath I disappear into the shadows.

-----3rd Pov----

Once Norman left Erik noticed that Rogue disappeared too.

"Fuck this isn't over!" he says furiously forgetting his original purpose of being there.

Ororo looked around for Magik but she already left.

---Pov?? same time Norman used his attack ---

Interesting I just felt someone touch upon my domain.




----pov mc---

After I returned to the base I saw there restrained Raven, Rogue, And Gambit.

"It seems like you three are having fun~." I said my voice coming out creepy as usual

"Oi, what do you want us for huh?" Gambit said

"Yes, why did you take us?" Raven said

While Rogue stayed silent.

"I want you three to join me. You two won't have to be terrorists anymore and you Gambit will be able to steal to your heart's desire." I proposed

"Hmm that might be interesting," Gambit said

"I'm not betraying Erik" said Raven

"I'm not going to join without Raven" said Rogue

"Oh really? Not even if I can help you touch people again?" I said seeing her eyes widen

"CAN YOU REALLY!?" Rogue shouts in a hopeful tone

"Yes I can and all you have to do is join~." I said

Rogue didn't respond right away and just looked at Raven.

"Listen how about you all join for a bit and see if you like it, if not I will send you back to your places respectively." I said

I watched in amusement as they nod their heads. Poor fools will never even be able to leave after they join unless it's in a body bag.

I then said I need all of them to do the handshake at first they where skeptical but I said it's because one I wanted to hear it as proof they will be loyal while in the League and two because it will allow me to bestow some gifts.

I really didn't notice until now but when I'm in my Jinn form people agree was easier to stuff.

Thus the Leagues welcomed its three new permanent members.

----pov Xavier----

"What so he killed juggernaut, took Raven, Rogue, and Gambit then left?" I said just to make sure my old age isn't getting to me

"Yes professor and the worst part is we have no clue on where they could be." Ororo replied

Well this sucks.

---pov Mc ---

As I got home I noticed Harry and Felica in the living room. Sigh this conversation is going to be so weird.

"Hey, you two!" I said with a happy smile

"Hey, Norman I'm glad your back!" Felicia said standing up giving me a deep kiss

"Cough I am right here guys," said Harry

Looking down I said, "Oh sorry Harry didn't see you you're so short."

"Har har now explain what just happened today?" He said with stars in his eyes

"Sigh okay Harry I can't tell you everything till you are older though okay?" I replied

"Hm, that's not okay but fine just say what you can dad." he answered

That's my boy he's smart enough to know that he needs to be older for some heavier topics.

"Okay, Harry so the gist of it all is that I'm not a mutant but I do have the ability to control shadows, and I can share that ability with others like what I have done with Felicia. I know what your thinking and the reason I didn't bestow the powers to you yet was because of your age but how that your almost fourteen I would love to share them with you, and also train you to master the shadows." I said

He kept quiet digesting the information he just learned.

"And remember if you do accept the powers you can never tell a soul EVER okay?" I finished

"Okay." he replied

"You are a really cool old man you know?" Harry added on with a smirk

"Hahaha that I am brat show some respect." I said

"Son what's your answer it's fine either way."

"I want to have the powers." Harry finally said after thinking about it

"Okay then shake your old man's hand and say 'I Harry Osborne will be eternally loyal'" I said activating my jinn form

"WOAH!" Harry said in childlike innocence

"Um okay I Harry Osborne will be eternally loyal." Harry said clasping my hand


Harry joined and cool new display of power!

Who do you think was the mystery person who his power reached the domain of. I think it's pretty obvious.
