
Chapter 48: SHOP

~Albus POV~

Opening up the shop function on the window of my screen I see everything around me began to change.

Like being digitized of sorts if you want to get into specifics like Sword Art Online kind of deal with the whole pixelized data glass everywhere around me beginning to change.

Glancing around I see myself in front of some kind of store as I looked around questioning this function like I was in a mall, "Guess the game is really going for the whole Gamer Store immersion idea huh? Then again it's my GAMER powers at work."

Taking my time I began to observe the literal store as I finally get to a cashier being a digital robot as it began to speak through windows and options provided.

[Hello GAMER I'm BOT your shopkeeper of everything in this world of Remnant!]

[What would you like for today?]



Skill Books:





Magic Artifacts:

Unique Skills:


Ok, so the list goes very long from the scenes of things as it looks like I can practically buy a certain thing from here that goes along with the Lore of RWBY.

That is a pretty cool concept to see it work like this and the plenty of use of the items at hand seems to be pretty good as well.

Although I would like to know more about this shop's functions I wonder what do Unique Skills mean exactly?

Pressing on the window I began to see the reason why they are Unique Skills added to the store.


Unique Skills – These Unique Skills are only available and be bought through the SHOP function of the GAMER. These UNIQUE SKILLS are skills that unlock more functions of one's skill essentially adding another ability to a person. 2 Unique Skills will be added every 3 months before changing it into something else.

Depending on LUCK it could change to something useful or not.

These skills can be learned by others and are compatible with everyone so long as the user has the Title: Teacher to allow others to absorb Skill Books or Unique Skills to them.




Now that seems like something I would need.

If I can't get myself stronger then how about I increase my ally's power instead although that's really risky and I don't even have the Title: Teacher to be able to pull it off…

First, let's see how much these Unique Skills are worth exactly?

[Unique Skills:

<Phys Nullification> Lv. MAX

This Unique Skill grants the user be completely immune to Phys-based attacks.

Cost: 1,500,000 Lien

<Phys Boost> Lv. MAX

Physical Booster allows the user to boost all physical damage by 40% during battle.

Cost: 1,500,000 Lien]

What the fuck…

I could literally have these busted skills at the ready and boost my stats of what I do by a lot.

These could come in real handy but sadly the prices though are really expensive.

And they change every 3 months that does mean I have the chance to grind for them but they won't always be there forever and hunting Grimm is easier said than done.

Still, though this does solve some problems what else do I have for Skill Books to see what I can get from there…

Oh, my Kami.

[Skill Books:

<Fate's Hand Skill Book>

Allows users to either improve a situation, not affect it, or make it significantly worse.

Cost: 100,000 Lien

<Beast Mode Skill Book>

Causes users to enter a berserker rage, increasing their physical capabilities.

Cost: 120,000 Lien

<Freeze Skill Book>

Allows users to freeze a target in place.

Cost: 300,000 Lien

<Burn Skill Book>

Allows users to absorb energy from the damage they have taken and redirect it twice as hard at their opponent.

Cost: 300,000 Lien

<Misfortune Skill Book>

This causes users to negatively manipulate probability around themselves.

Cost: 200,000 Lien

<Good Fortune Skill Book>

Allows users to manipulate probability positively.

Cost: 200,000 Lien


These are fucking busted but only if they are compatible as well. I'm so going after Qrow and Clover semblances to add to my LUCK.

But the problem is that the prices are high for my taste but the issue is my lack of money and need for dungeons to help me out in this situation I'm in.

Which reminds me actually…

Opening my status screen I began to place all my points into LUCK to see what I get from it.


Name: Albus Goodwitch

Class: The Gamer

Title: Supporter

Level: 33 Next Lv.: 40.0%

HP: 1650/1650

AP: 825/825

STR: 67

AGI: 65

VIT: 68

INT: 79

WIS: 75

LUCK: 71+35= 106

Points: 35 -> 0

Lien: 85,900



[Your LUCK stat has reached a 100 point mark!]

[Passive Skill <Supernaturally Good LUCK> has been added!]


<Supernaturally Good LUCK> (Passive) Lv. MAX

This passive skill can be unlocked once reached 100 stats in LUCK.

This skill causes anything and everything to go the GAMER way, but only if there was a possibility of it going their way in the first place. It makes all of the possessor's endeavors succeed in a good way, however any opponents that may happen to be nearby suffer from increased misfortune.


It's official I have become the luckiest man in the world with this cheat-like ability and adding to the fact it makes goods things come my way if it's only possible.

I wonder what it meant by that anyway?

Does that mean I now have the power of plot finally on my side perhaps?

Shaking my head for a bit I began to see what the shop has in store as I began to sell some stuff and view the contents a bit.

Going over to titles I saw some odd ones and good ones inside that could be useful for me to use in my training groups or not.

Then I found one that could be really useful for my group the one previously mentioned in the unique skill section of what it can do.


Teacher Title:

This title will grant the GAMER the ability to teach their skill books or unique skills to others with the same effect of instantly absorbing its content to understand. Also increases experience gained when training skills.

Cost: 50,000 Lien


These skills are going going to be useful for me to use and the teacher skill that gives extra Exp when I train my skills as well?

Then heck I'm going to buy it but first I need to sell some stuff I have to get a better chance of getting the items I want.

Game on.
