
Bonds of Student and Teacher

Several more hours had passed since Myeol Mang began his thousand diagonal slashes while Mi Yeon and Seo Jun continued their argument.


"Damn it, hey Seo Jun! How long have I been training today?"

"You've been training from sunrise to sunset."

"It's sunset already? I think I'm done training for today, I need to eat some food."

"That's fine, how many diagonal slashes did you complete while Mi Yeon and I were arguing?"

"Around three hundred." Myeol Mang replied as he sheathed his sword.

"Hmmmm, alright. Tomorrow you'll start off by finishing the other seven hundred slashes, then you'll move on to sword thrusts."

"Sweet, and thank you for the training, Seo Jun, Mi Yeon." Myeol Mang replied before bowing to both of them.

"You're welcome, Myeol Mang. Now go eat, you used a lot of strength today so you'll need food to recover."

"Alright, see you later, Mi Yeon, Seo Jun!" Myeol Mang said as he began to jog towards the training hall doors.

"Hey Myeol Mang. Mind if I join you for lunch?"

"Sure Mi Yeon, I don't mind."

"Sweet, can Seok Hwan go too?"

"Yeah, it'll be nice to catch up with everyone, it has been a week since I've had a decent conversation with everyone."

"Sweet! I'll go get Seok Hwan, what table are you going to sit at?

"How about we sit at Master Tang's table?"

"That sounds great, but if we're going to do that, how about we just invite everyone?"

"I'm fine with that, I'll go get Sung Ho and Sang Chul. You go get Seok Hwan and Master Tang."

"Will do, I'll meet you there. Hey Seo Jun, can you go get Master Tang for me?"


"Alright, I'll go get Sung Ho and Sang Chul now, I'll see you both there." Myeol Mang said as he walked out of the training hall.

Myeol Mang then trudged towards the Forge while massaging his arms.

'Swordsmanship training hurts more than I thought… Then again, I did think I could jump straight into learning martial arts without any prior sword training.'

As Myeol Mang arrived outside the Forge, the sound of Sang Chul and Sung Ho's voices echoed throughout the building.

"The shaft of the spear is merely an extension of your forearm in combat, and the tip of the spear is an extension of your fist. The shaft needs to be sturdy, while the tip needs to be strong and sharp. So how would you go about making a spear with those requirements?"

"Hmmmm, well I'd make the whole spear out of metal, keeping the spear more dense than the tip so it's easier to grip, and fold the edges of the tip so it can be sharp and sturdy like a sword."

"That's a decent approach, but then the spear itself would be too heavy, and most likely imbalanced."

"The spear being too heavy shouldn't be an issue, over time I'll get used to the weight and get stronger because of it. But the imbalance problem should also be easy to fix by adjusting the shaft of the spear."

"Well then, now that we've discussed the basic problems of spear forging, I'll start teaching you how to forge a spear that solves all of the problems stated earlier."

"Hey Sang Chul, could you guys take a break for a minute?" Myeol Mang said as he walked into the Forge.

"Myeol Mang? What are you doing here?" Sung Ho asked as he stood up off the bench near the anvil.

"Well, everyone was going to eat dinner together since I haven't talked with everyone in a week. And we wanted you guys to come."

"That's nice of you Myeol Mang, but remember we're on a short timespan. And if you remember correctly you took up a week of that timespan to yourself, so Sung Ho is behind and needs to catch up fast. Now if you'll excuse us, I'm going to start teaching Sung Ho how to properly forge a spear."

"Oh… Alright, well if either of you change your minds we'll be at Master Tang's usual table."

"Alright, have fun Myeol Mang. Sang Chul, shall we continue?" Sung Ho replied as Myeol Mang left the Forge.


"Well, no Sung Ho or Sang Chul, but at least Mi Yeon and Seo Jun should be there." Myeol Mang murmured to himself as he entered the main hall.

"Hey Myeol Mang, where's Sung Ho and Sang Chul?" Mi Yeon asked as Myeol Mang arrived at the table.

"They were busy discussing how to properly forge a spear and didn't want to come, besides I can just catch up with them later." Myeol Mang replied as he leaned his sword against the table and pulled out a chair.

"Well, no food for them I guess!" Mi Yeon replied as she began to stuff her mouth with dumplings.

"How have you been this past week, Seok Hwan, Master Tang?" Myeol Mang asked as he sat down.

"I've been good, though nothing much has happened this week for everyone aside from Sung Ho."

"Then why did you agree to come eat dinner with us, Seok Hwan?"

"Why would I turn down a good dinner with my friends and Master? No less after a week of not seeing one of my friends?"

"Maybe because we're on a short timespan before the Demonic Cult raid?" Jin Tang calmly replied.

"Yes, we are on a short timespan, but we can't spend all our time training. We still have to eat, we still have to drink, we still have to interact with each other. And if you can't do that at dinner with your friends and master then when can you?" Seok Hwan replied before taking a bite of pork cutlet.

"Very well said, Seok Hwan. Now, Myeol Mang, how was your week of isolation within the Forge?"

"It was painful, that's for sure. If it wasn't for my internal energy I probably wouldn't have made it the whole week."

"If it was that bad why did you stay there an entire week?" Mi Yeon asked.

"You saw how my sword turned out, I could only get it that way because I stayed in there the entire week."

"Actually about that, can Master Tang and I look at your sword Myeol Mang?"

"Sure." Myeol Mang replied before grabbing his sword and handing it to Seok Hwan.

Myeol Mang then began to eat while Seok Hwan and Jin Tang thoroughly investigated his sword.

"Hmmm, Myeol Mang, how did you manage to sharpen your sword this well?" Jin Tang asked.

"About that, I kind of used multiple whetstones to make it that sharp, and one of them can't be used anymore…"

"You used multiple whetstones just to get it this sharp? What a waste…"

"Why is it a waste, Master Tang?"

"It's a waste of a good whetstone for a sword not made of Cold Iron. But now that I think about it, your sword feels different from other swords of the same material. Why do you think that is?"

"Well, Seo Jun said that the metal I used was nearly perfect for sword making, so it's probably the metal that's making a difference."

"Hmmm, that makes sense. Now, have you decided on your sword's name yet?"

"I haven't, and I don't think I will until my first fight with it."

"That's a shame, but I understand. Naming your first weapon is always difficult to do at first."

"Why is it a shame, Master Tang?"

"Because the bond you'll share with your sword would be better. Your attachment to the sword would make you strive for greater heights of swordsmanship and martial arts."

"Oh, yes that is a shame then, Master Tang."

"Hey Myeol Mang, I never got to ask this, but why were you and Sung Ho orphans?" Seo Jun asked after taking a sip from his cup.


"Wow Seo Jun! Way to bring up a sensitive topic!" Mi Yeon exclaimed as she punched Seo Jun in the arm.

"What?! I was just curious as to why he and Sung Ho were orphans, he doesn't have to answer the question."

"That's not something you just bring up at a dinner though, Seo Jun." Seok Hwan replied.

"The Demonic Cult…"



"The Demonic Cult made you and Sung Ho orphans?" Mi Yeon replied as she tilted her head.

"Yeah… The Demonic Cult raided the village me and Sung Ho lived in three years ago, we're the only survivors of that raid as far as I know…."

"Wow… I'm sorry to hear that Myeol Mang…"

"Yeah… Sorry for bringing it up…"

"It's alright, I don't really remember much from back then anyways. Besides, with the raid that's inevitably going to happen here we can avenge the people of my home village."

"You're right Myeol Mang. If we manage to fend off this Demonic Cult raid then we'd have avenged the people of that village."


Hearing Jin Tang clear his throat to get their attention, everyone at the table then turned and looked at him.

"I propose a drink, to victory." Jin Tang said as he raised his glass of liquor.

"To victory." Mi Yeon, Seok Hwan, Seo Jun and Myeol Mang said in unison as they raised their glasses.


"Phew… The lord really is something else isn't he?" Ri Seung-Heon said as he flopped onto his bed.

Ri Seung-Heon relaxed on his bed for only a moment before getting up and walking to the bookshelf in the corner of his room.

'I never thought I would have to use this, but I'm partaking in the upcoming raid so I don't have a choice if I want to live.'

Ri Seung-Heon then pulled out several books from the bookshelf, revealing a small hole in the back of the bookshelf.

After sticking his finger in the wooden hole and pulling out the box connected to it, Ri Seung-Heon grabbed the lavish purple pouch out of the box.

'I risked my life hiding this from the Squad Leader on the mission five years ago, but that risk is paying off big time.' Ri Seung-Heon thought to himself as he pulled a medium sized root out of the pouch.

Ri Seung-Heon then chewed and swallowed the root before dropping onto the floor in a lotus position.

'I should have enough qi to reach the Realm of Truth after I finish absorbing the Hundred Year White Flame Root…'
