
Anyone there

"Rise and shine sunshine" I might be asleep but still know the voice of my twenty-four years old cousin Sophia "What do you want Sophia," I asked groaning "Idiot it is six am and today is your graduation" she shouted making me jump at the realization of it "Happy birthday sis," Sarah said slowly opening the door and entering inside "Thanks, can't believe I am sixteen," I said jumping like a child "Me too you looked twenty-three," Sarah said earning a glare from me.

"Well let us go the makeup artist is downstairs," Sophia told us "Okay I am coming let me go have my bath" they left leaving me in this big room I never expected to have, ever since I started living here my aunt and cousin always made sure we are okay despite being based in America they always come and visit, life was no different, especially the fact that no one knew I live with celebrities or the fact that we are even family although Confi and Sophia tried exposing it to the media I had no choice but to play the sister card which works making them stop I guess it's fine being a celebrity but I am not just ready, I entered the bathroom took my bathe quickly and ran downstairs.

"Happy birthday Joy" everyone chorus everyone as i went down awwn graduation and birthday at the same day "Thank you everyone" I said smiling Sophia led me to a chair and brought a middle age woman who I guess is my make up artist started doing her work in two hours she was through Silvia asked me to follow her to her room and brought out a long blue gown with feather by the side it was an up shoulder cloth and the end had a pleated design it was beautiful after several hours the cloth fitted me just like a glove she brought out a stiletto which match my dress I looked beautiful "Thanks Silvia" I said "Anything for you sis" my twenty years old sister replied I went downstairs to meet my aunt and mom having breakfast "Mummy why are you not coming" I asked " I am sorry dear I am so busy nowadays" she answered "So am I not important" I asked pouting like a child "You are always important but don't worry I will be back before dawn' she reassured me I left the place and went outside entering the car feeling sad as the vehicle left the compound and enter the road, no know is coming for me so sad I took out my headset and put it on trying to drown myself in music.

We arrived at the building of my school I remove my headset took my purse and waved bye to the driver as I left the car there was commotion everyone was screaming it felt weird until I realize that I was the reason they were screaming oh, I forgot that I was tryna stay low key and not bring attention myself since I live with the Jones, I don't want to make friends with people I don't know and don't care about me to start being goody with me, it's so irritating. So I remain the fun-loving Joy Chiedo, everyone adores and nothing changes the fact that I love my friends.

I ran and hugged my classmate not forgetting to compliment each other for there outstanding looks.

The event was boring, praise God this is the last program on the list giving out the certificate to the graduating student everyone's name was called and they took their certificate with their family member my name was called and sadly no one came for me not to worry some teachers and friends came and represented me after everything was done I ran outside luckily my ride was here and on time, I entered the vehicle but the Driver looked different which made me wonder when these people change workers.

Going through my Facebook account I noticed the people I chat with constantly were offline and everywhere where was born but online and Offline, logging out It took to my notice that the road we were passing was unfamiliar like I have never passed here before. It took me a few minutes before I concluded that I was being kidnapped.

"Hey mister man this is not my house oo" I shouted but he ignored me I hope I am safe as I was about to bring my phone out and call the police we had already reached our destination.

The place was an event hall it was decorated blue and green my favorite color my thought was Sophia planned my birthday when my thought was interrupted by someone cocking a gun the man told me to come out and enter the place, the passage was long and I was scared I saw a door with a signboard saying open even if the signboard wasn't here I am definitely opening the door I pushed the door open and everywhere was filled with darkness "hello......anyone here" I shouted yet no answer slowly the light started coming up one by one now this is strange.
