
A Second Challenge

Ming Guang gingerly scooted away, mentally cursing Captain Mu. Why couldn't he be assigned with a more professional bodyguard colleague? Instead, he was stuck with motor-mouth Wei Yan who had no qualms about speculating about the relationship and bedroom dynamics of his bosses. 

Urgh. He shuddered. 

"But if you think about it, isn't it great!" Jingwei exclaimed, cutting short his monologue of sorrow to beam at her. 

"What's so great," Xue Ning retorted hotly. "I've found out that I'm in love with a cybercriminal who robbed me when I was 12!"

"You're in love with me!" Jingwei repeated, delighted at her admission. "You love me! I'm so happy!" 

"Did you not hear the part where you robbed me?" Xue Ning asked dryly even as her cheeks reddened at her accidental admission. She crossed her arms and pretended to stare at the wall next to Jingwei. "Don't change the subject!"
