

"Aren't you going to pick it up?" Xue Ning asked, panting slightly. "It could be important."

"Nonsense," Jingwei exclaimed, looking at Xue Ning's flushed cheeks and fluttering eyelashes. Her chest heaved as she took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. 

It was such an enticing sight that he couldn't help but give her another kiss. "It cannot be as important as you." 

Whoever called him disagreed with his words. Just when his phone stopped ringing and Jingwei thought he could go back to focusing on Xue Ning, it started up again. 

Xue Ning glared at him and gestured to his phone. Clearly she disagreed too. He still found it enticing, but the fist she held out did not bode well for his physical well-being. He reluctantly sat back up and picked up his phone. 

It was his father. 

That immediately killed the mood and his boner. 
