
A Dangerous Character


The mysterious man calmly took down his hood, revealing his overly long eyebrows that fell off from their sides and extended down to his neck. 

His eyebrows seemed to have thoughts of their own, as they acted like snakes, curling and slithering across his face. 

If many in the capital saw him, they wouldn't know who he was. Yet, the mere mention of his name sent people running. 

He was called End or Mr. End since no one could escape his targeting.

He was the sort of entity parents told as folk tales to their children. However, in his case, their stories were greatly watered down to a far greater degree than one could imagine. 

It's said that when Mr. End targets a person, they should stay where they are, give up, and patiently await death. 

End always gave his target a death day, allowing them to prepare for what was to come. As a result, they lost their hair and sweated themselves to death, hoping the day would pass on. 
