
The Battle At Bluedale

In no time, the warriors left Clovis village with their backs hunched, weapons at hand, and eyes darting around vigilantly. 

Of course, they still left the elders, their men, and quite a few others to guard the beloved village, alongside some of the women too. 

Everyone knew their duties, promising to fulfill their tasks.


The warriors moved like leopards, walking as close to the ground as possible. 

Sniff. Sniff. Sniff. 

Their nostrils stayed alert, taking in the nightly perfumes from nature. 

No one wanted to get attacked by a nearby animal when already on such a heavy task. 

They needed all the strength they could get. 

And with both rooms still fairly high, the group took their sweet time. 

When is the most likely period for one to relax their guard? When both moons unite and become one. (2~3 A.M.)

By then, many in Bluedale village would be sound asleep, with only those guarding it awake. 
