

It has been months since they got to Aurora and Gabriel had been having a blast.

Kane had come back with Kendra, his new girlfriend. To Lisa it did not mean anything anynore, she had long lost her feelings for Kane, she decided to focus on her daughter Leah who seems to be having a huge crush on Gabriel and to be honest, she has started to fall for him as well.

Gabriel thought taking care of everything around would make him hate it but, Yanet and his mother are helping him, Both women sporting big bellies as they birth months aproaches.

In one month, Maggie and Patricia will give birth, whilst the rest still have two months left but they have been very active lately which is something Gabriel enjoys it as much as they do.

it brings them to today, today Rick came to his castle and asked him if Lori can stay in the castle since it was the closest to the infarmary which was being managed by a doctor and the scientist he brought from Woodbury.

Mindy and Rowan help around the infarmary since the twins who know about pregnancy are also two months away and mostly stay at home with Gabriel.

Rick was discussing the area when T-dog approached them.

"We have a situation... there seems to be someone missing. He is from Jimmy's side"

Said T-dog. Gabriel hummed "Why didn't Jimmy come here to tell me that?"

"Well... he wanted to but he knew you were going to be angry at him" answered T-dog scratching the back of his head.

"Thank you T. How is going to Trisha?" asked Gabriel smirking at the black man.

Trisha was one of the Woodbury women, T-dog had been going out with her for a while and lately they seemed to be a little too close which meant they finally sealed the deal.

T-dog laughed dryly "I think I made a mistake man... she uumm... how to say this, she is feisty and scolds me alot"

Gabriel and Rick burst out laughin and T-dog just snort "Man, I shouldn't have told you anything!" he said laughing in the end.

"Do you need me to bring Jimmy?" asked T-dog.

"No" said Gabriel "That's okay, I'll go see him. it's been a week since I've seen Shira anyways"

T-dog nodded and left.

"Do you need help?" asked Rick seeing Gabriel making his way to Jimmy's place.

"No, you stay here and round up a group to go look for this missing person, don't send those who haven't been trained yet" said Gabriel, Rick nodded and made his way to the training grounds.


"Shit shit shit... Gabriel is coming!!" said Jimmy in panick looking from his window.

Hayley, his wife, they got married a couple months ago. She encouraged Jimmy "Come on Jimmy, you have to show him you don't fear him otherwise you'll always be like this around him"

Jimmy nodded and took deep breathes "You are right!" he said feeling full of confidence.



Jimmy walked towards the door like a chad but when he opened it, he shrunk and his wife Hayley left him and went to the kitchen rapidly.

"Jimmy" said Gabriel smiling grabbing his shoulders.

"Y-yes!?" squaked Jimmy.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

Jimmy gulped nervously and nodded "Someone from my farm disappeared yesterday. He was supposed to be back yesterday as well but he didn't come back..."

Gabriel nodded "Alright, get dressed" he said.

Jimmy confused "Excuse me?"

"You are coming along, Jimmy. This man was in your care so you will help us find him. Don't worry, I won't let you die" encouraged Gabriel shaking his shoulders lightly.

Jimmy nodded nervously "O-okay!"

Gabriel sighed seeing his fear "I am not punishing you with this Jimmy. This is how it will be from now on, these people helping you in the farm will be your subjects and you will be under me. I am giving you a great role in this kingdom, if you think you can't handle it then please tell me so and I will apoint someone else"

Jimmy loved raising animals, he felt it was his whole life purpose so without hesitation he found couraged "No, I can handle it" he said with a firm expression.

Hayley who was listening to her husband rejoiced in the kitchen because it was the first time Jimmy showed some guts. She came out with orange juice "Would you like Orange juice, Mr. Gabriel?" she asked.

"Oh I want Orange juice" said Jimmy excited. Hayley giggled seeing him drink it vigirously.

Gabriel smiled seeing both of them happy and sat down and drank with them "You can just call me Gabriel, Hayley"

"O-okay, Mr-... Gabriel" she nodded sitting besides Jimmy.

Gabriel nodded and stood up making Jimmy stand up as well "Where are you going?" asked Jimmy.

"To get ready... I'l be waiting for you back at the castle" told Gabriel pausing then looked at Hayley "Don't worry, I'll bringing back to you"

"Alive and whole... please" she added nervously.

Gabriel chuckled "Of course" he left and went back to the mansion.

Rick had three other men ready, Kane was going to stay with Rick to guard this place, Rick nodded to Gabriel "These are Jack, Jason and Jonh. They are the best and found them actually teaching the younger ones"

Gabriel remembered these three men, they were some of the few people who came for refugee, Gabriel could see they were trustworthy and stupedly loyal.

Gabriel nodded to them "Well, I trust Rick had briefed you on everything?"

They nodded and John stepped ahead "We'll find him. He can't be far away if he was by foot and if someone took him than there should be a place near by housimg people"

Gabriel agreed with him "Yes, I have reports of other groups around but they were about 6o to 100 miles apart from eachother, he could be in one of those but we can't just go in there and ask for him. We'll need to be careful, we don't know these people... but know this... if the attack first, you may kill them" Gabriel's expression became bloodthirsty making the ones present shudder and gulped.


Somewhere deep int he woods, there were a group of about 13 men and 3 women laughing at a tied man who has been whimpering from pain as they kicked him and punched him.

"Hahahahaha listen to this shit, whimpering... shut him up already" said the leader of the group.

One of the men stood up and kicked Gabriel's man in the mouth breaking two of his teeth.

"Ouch" they laughed at him again.

The man groaned and gasped trying to breathe since he was kicked in the stomach too.

"Tell us where you group is. We'll take very good care of the women hehehe" said one of the lackeys licking his lips.

The man whose name was Jacob even though didn't have anything else to lose besides his life refuse to tell them where they were staying because Aurora had been great to him and he won't give its location away, and god may have mercy on him if he ever made it alive from here and tell Aurora's location. Knowing that beast of a man who is their leader, he will be already looking for him.

Jacob started laughing histerically thinking of what would happen to this group.

The men laughing at Jacob stopped laughing and looked at him weird "I think he lost it already" they mocked him.

Jacob scoffed "You made a mistake... they are coming for me, and once our leader knows what you've done or what you are thinking of doing... to his place hahahahahahahaha I pity those of you who dare to cross him"

The boss frowned "I will take his woman and fuck her in front of him" he said laughing bringing two of the women to sit on his lap.

The women looked amused as well when suddenly a voice came behind them.

"I wouldn't even think of doing that if I were you, or else your women will be the ones to suffer" said John coming from the woods.

Jacob seeing John sighed in relief.

The boss of the savage group stood up "Kill him" he ordered his men.



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