
First Strike Already

Dave was expecting the day to be less eventful for him because of what happened yesterday and how he was required to get a lot of rest today but resting only lasted about two hours for him and now he was sitting outside just beside his practice pitch with his arms crossed and a face as long as a fiddle.

However, he wasn't out there to just stare at nothing, it wasn't even his choice to be there.

All he was doing was watching the ball move back and forth in the air as Mateo and Clark nodded it back between each other.

Mateo being there was easy to explain because he wanted to come see the goalkeeper that morning but how did Clark get there that morning?

Well, he tried to get through to Dave last night while he was still out of it.

Emma had to pick up the call and she ended up telling him about what happened to him, he had no choice but to come check up on his friend as soon as possible today.
