
What A Start To The Match

The players were all in the locker room now pulling off their wet clothes and changing into their training outfits but Mateo didn't like the idea of going out to train under that intense rain.

"Let's go boys, I know some of you don't like the idea of going out there to warm up but Sheffield United players are already out there," Norman said. "This is the only way that we can get used to the condition before the match kicks off."

"Yeah, coach is right, it's quite harsh out there but we're going to have to play under it anywhere, we don't have a choice."

'Yeah, that's right.' Mateo said subconsciously. 'I just wish it wasn't raining.'

The players made their way to the pitch to find Sheffield United players already warming up there but it didn't look like they had been there for a long time.

"Hey, Mateo, why don't you come give me a few long shots?" Dave said after placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Okay." The winger replied.
