
Tennis Ball Tournament Final (01)

"Hey, so what's your name?" Dave asked as he walked down the street with the boy.

"Diego." He replied.

"Diego, huh."

"What's your name, mister?" The boy asked.

"It's Dave, Dave Richards you must have heard of me before." The goalkeeper said.

"Um….I don't think so." He said, shaking his head.

"Uh…never mind."

"Okay," Diego said before turning his gaze back to where they were going.

'I guess I'm not that popular, yet.' The goalkeeper said subconsciously.

<Here's a precautionary measure>


<The boy may not know who you are because you're not that popular yet but that doesn't mean there aren't others who will and it won't be good if a lot of people who know you spot you walking down the street with this boy or at the place you're going>

'So, what are you suggesting?'

<Look for something to cover up your identity even a little bit and make you less recognizable, something like a face cap>

'A face cap?'


'I think that's a clothing shop up ahead.'
