
New Skills

'Catherine, why are the rewards blurry?' Dave asked subconsciously as he stared at the quest message on his screen.

<The rewards are blurry because the system hasn't decided yet, it also means that the rewards aren't exactly like the regular ones you receive, there are a few special things there>

'Oh, so the system wants me to move to any of the top five leagues and if I do I will get rewarded for it.'


'I still have two years left on my contract.' He sighed inwardly.

<Your contract doesn't have to expire before you can move to a new club>

'I know but I don't think any club wants to pay for my very cheap release clause.'

<How much is your release clause?>

'Fifty thousand euros.' Dave replied.

<Yeah, that's pretty cheap>

'I know but I don't think any club wants me, I haven't even received an offer from any of the clubs in the Scottish or Portuguese league to talk more of the clubs in the top five leagues, I don't think they want a goalkeeper like me.'
