
Сhapter 56

The retired Yamanaka was replaced by the newly appeared chunin – Isse Arataki. Seventeen-year-old, beskalnovy guy, not distinguished by special talents in anything, but having some experience and a very solid base in tai and genjutsu. He is quite arrogant and arrogant, despite his completely ordinary appearance and abilities, but he settled in our team quite easily and naturally.

In terms of abilities, he was a pretty good fit for our partner's place, as well as Izumi specializing in genjutsu. And even if at first he tried to stand out of himself , God knows what… But then my clones kicked it off great, clearly showing the guy that, despite his rank, he definitely won't get much authority in our team. And after Inuzuka sent this handsome man to a knockout, allowing her ninekn to chew the newly-appeared chunin a little like that…

Yes, after that Isse became subdued, starting to build relationships in the team quite calmly. And even if there was still a lot of excessive pride and arrogance in him, but the matter was slowly being argued. Well, the fact that in terms of skills, he was still better than his predecessor, without forcing Akita and me to act as his protection, only accelerated the process of our lapping to each other.

Yes, it was rather cynical of us to think about a wounded comrade like that… But to be honest, I didn't have any special attachment to my team, focusing more on my own development and extracting useful information from sensei. Because of that, some changes in the composition of our team did not become a big problem for me. At first, of course, there were some splinters and the rejection of a new face in the team, but in general, I didn't even care that Izumi disappeared from my life, and his place was taken by quite an adult guy - Isse.

Which, as practice has shown, turned out to be not so ordinary in terms of abilities, I even adopted some techniques and strategies in taijutsu from my new teammate… Although he did not belong to any great clan, he still came from a family of hereditary Shinobi, which is why his taijutsu style did not resemble the standard style of the sheet. And he also shared with me some rather interesting developments in genjutsu, asking me to teach him shadow cloning in return.…

Well, despite the fact that Isse himself was never able to use my technique properly, it turned out to be really too expensive for him, I still got what I wanted, somewhat diversifying my genjutsu arsenal. And yes, thanks to the clones and the help of Natsubashi-sensei, three months after that ill-fated massacre, I began to use genjutsu quite skillfully in battle. My skills and control in the chakra began to be enough so that my attempts in the art of illusions stopped causing laughter, while beginning to pose a real danger to my opponents.

Although, of course, my main successes were somewhat in a different path. Still, ninjutsu was much better for me than the subtle art of illusions. So, by now I have mastered more than a dozen techniques based on the spontaneous lightning chakra… At the same time, when I say "mastered", I mean that I can use these techniques in battle. That is, they have already been brought to automatism by me, and the number of seals necessary for the embodiment of "elemental magic" has been reduced to a minimum.

At the same time, I studied not only fairly simple techniques from the rank. In my arsenal, there are already three techniques In rank, which is already the level of a good chunin, or even tokubetsu junin – shinobi, that in one of the chosen directions has reached the level of a full-fledged junin ... not a bad progress, to be honest. By the age of eleven, to reach a level at which even a well–coordinated team of chunins can break their kunai on me is cool. My classmates over there have just moved on to the sixth year of the academy…

But even so, I wasn't happy with my own results. That encounter with a whole team of renegade Shinobi showed me too clearly that I haven't even gotten close to the top of the food chain of this world yet… I was still a long way from reaching the level of the same Junins, and I could cope with most of the chunins only due to a huge amount of chakra and shadow cloning techniques. In pure skills, I was still inferior to some representatives of this rank in the Shinobi system.

Strangely enough, I saw such a lack of skills especially strongly in taijutsu, in which I developed very, very quickly… But fighting Shinobi that were already out of their teens was still too difficult for me. The advantage in height, weight and physique in general was quite difficult to compensate for due to strength and speed. Therefore, even our newfound teammate sometimes caused me problems during training in pure taijutsu…

Yes, I was undoubtedly more skillful, stronger and faster, but due to my physique, he managed to compensate for this difference, albeit not to the full… Which I couldn't do anything about yet. Despite the fact that I was tall enough for my age, but comparing an eleven-year-old boy and an almost adult tall man is simply pointless. That one, only due to the length of his own arms and legs, could make me sweat a lot, not letting me get to the vulnerable places of his own body…

Which was very infuriating and made me only push more actively on this aspect of my own strength. Moreover, the situation with Izumi was more than indicative… But if he had been a little stronger in taijutsu, he could have come out of that battle, albeit with serious, but by no means critical for health wounds. Well, as it is, Tom will now have to recover from damage to the chakrosystem for at least six months…

In my case, such injuries may turn out to be incurable at all. The Kyubi chakra in my body simply will not allow the iryenins to somehow influence my chakrocannals, which is why damage to these very chakrocannals becomes especially dangerous for me… Which my sensei also fully understood, nevertheless allowing me to enroll in the training courses for the Irenins. And even if I had to take out sensei's brains for a long time for this, and a personal conversation with Hokage about this also took place…

But I didn't care, I didn't want to rely on my own regeneration in case of something. I refuted any indignation of the type "your chakra is simply not suitable for medical techniques" by the fact that I still managed to become not the worst genjutsu user… But the Hokage, and all my other teachers, directly told me that with my chakra volumes, nothing shines for me in this field…

Ha, my clones don't care who says what about me. Several thousand hours of practice can replace even the most obvious talent in a particular art. Moreover, I really got good at working with my own memory and now I'm sorting out the experience I get from clones in almost a matter of minutes ... And, again, my chakra itself has only grown more recently, which allowed me to calmly send a couple of additional clones to the hospital for theoretical training in irenjutsu.

I haven't reached the practice yet, it's only been a few weeks since I started this path at all, but already now I have some hopes in this regard… Well, at least I can definitely learn how to treat myself. Medical technicians, as it was stated at one of the lectures at the hospital, generally work much better on iryenin itself. It is not necessary to overcome the natural rejection of someone else's chakra, because of which my chakrocannals, in fact, will not be able to heal ordinary ninja doctors on occasion. Too strong rejection of someone else's chakra in my body. And all this is because of the fox chakra, yes, yes…

Because of her, by the way, I'm unlikely to be able to treat someone else besides myself just like that. Even the smallest Kyubi chakra for ordinary Shinobi is still poison. Even during the creation of genjutsu, I have to control this moment so that my really "vigorous" chakra does not prevent the creation of a full-fledged illusion in the mind of the victim… That's just in terms of medical techniques, everything is even more complicated. Even the smallest drop of the Kubi chakra in the healing technique can turn into... not very pleasant consequences for the patient.

Eh, but very soon the concentration of the Kyuya chakra in my body will become even greater ... the fox, though slowly, still comes into contact with me. This means that in the near future I can start a completely new training, now to work with the chakra of my own biju. Although, this is not yet accurate, and in general, I do not want to make a guess in this regard ... Too unpredictable a demon lives in my print so that I can predict his next actions…

But yes, he has already kind of let go of his hatred for me… And there are already hints of future cooperation… It remains only to wait for Kuby to offer me his chakra and help. I myself will not ask him about such a thing for sure. I managed to study this demon well enough to understand that he can react quite aggressively to such a request, or even completely ruin all the relationships built during this time… Which I really would not like…

And therefore, I will continue to sit and wait for the first step on the part of one huge, terrible, and merciless ... Tsunderki and hysterical. And I don't care that Kuby considers himself to be male. His flights are sometimes such that women during periods of PMS did not even dream ... I can declare this with full responsibility. I've already had enough of him in recent months…
