
Chapter 57 (a lump on her head)

Ellie and Alma had to wait for them to hear another knock on the door; they wanted to be sure that they weren't mistaken about hearing a knock on the door. The moment they heard the knock the second time was when they knew that they didn't mishear the first one, so Alma went to answer the door. It was the queen. From the look of urgency on her face, they could tell that she must have heard about Ellie's fall.

"Alma!" Was the first thing she said before she turned to look at her daughter who was lying on the bed. "Ellie!" She headed inside her room and sat besides her scanning all through her body.

"You don't have to worry, mother. I am fine. I just have a little swelling on my head."

At first Queen Greta hadn't noticed the lump that was on her daughter's head and when she did, her eyes broadened in shock and dismay - she was not just used to seeing injuries on Ellie's body. She didn't like it at all. She gasped.

"It is big!" Greta exclaimed.
