
Chapter 2 ( banquet of the alpha Princess)

"She shall be called Ellie for she is as beautiful as the shining light." King Valerius said conclusively as he paced around joyfully holding his daughter in his hands. 

"That is a beautiful name, my love." Queen Greta complimented. 

He continued to pet the baby and to sing songs for her which surprised Queen Greta in a way. 

"Really, Lord Valerius?" As she fondly calls him. 

"Of course. Are you jealous, Queen Greta?." He pouted his lips in a childish manner.

It was very rare to see the king in this manner except the time they newly met. She was surprised that this version of him would appear sooner than she expected. 

"I am just happy to see you this way my love." Queen Greta replied. 

Ellie soon started crying. She needed to feed. 

"Why is she crying?" King Valerius asked. 

"Because she is hungry and needs to feed." She mocked. 

"Oh Sorry my beautiful pup. Your father will hand you straight to your mother so that you can feed to your satisfaction." He then handed her over to her mother. 

She brought her breast and made the baby suckle from it. As Ellie started sucking, Greta grimaced in pain. 

"Ouch!" Queen Greta exclaimed painfully. 

"What is it, my love?" Valerius asked, supporting her with his hands over her shoulder. 

"Nothing serious, my love. My breasts hurts." She explained. 

"I shall send for Coretta at once." Valerius made to leave but she stopped him. 

"No. Don't worry. Its a good thing. I am only feeling this way as a result of the breast milk. I think it's pumping well and that is why it's hurting." Queen Greta explained. 

"Oh I see. That means you are fine then?. " Relieved that she was perfectly fine, he released his hands from her shoulder. 

"Yes I am." She assured. 

"She is such a good breast sucker." Valerius said as he laughed at the sight of his daughter sucking her mother's breast. 

"Just like her father." Greta jokes. 

He laughed again because she wasn't wrong. It was nothing but fact. He loved her breasts as much as Ellie loved it. They were still engrossed with their love play until Thravid made known his presence. He stood by the doorway but was ushered in by queen Greta who took notice of him first. 

"Come in Thravid. You are no stranger to us. You should always feel free to come around us." Greta urged while adjusting her breast for Ellie to suckle on. 

"Of course, my queen." Thravid stared at the baby who was still feeding and sleeping at the same time.

"Congratulations to you, my lord and my queen. She is such a beauty to behold. " He further complimented. 

"Which is why I named her Ellie because she is the most beautiful." Valerius boasted. 

"Without a doubt, my lord." Thravid supported. 

"Okay, my love. We will leave you to attend to the princess while I attend to other matters with Thravid. I shall be with you soon." Valerius kissed her forehead and that of his daughter then he left them while Thravid followed suit. 

"And how is the preparation for the banquet going?" Valerius asked as they headed towards the throne room. 

"Going according to plan, my lord. The banquet is scheduled to be held tomorrow. Lord Darius and his queen brought gifts ahead of tomorrow's celebration." Thravid further explained. 

"That's thoughtful of him. And the vampires?" Valerius stopped just when he was about to sit on the throne. 

"That has been settled too, my lord." Thravid assured. 

"Good." Valerius then sat on the throne. 

"I want you to eliminate any threat or anything of any sort that will bring chaos to my daughter's celebration for the banquet. " Valerius instructed. 

"As you wish." Thravid took a bow and then left the throne room. 

King Darius's servants were attending to his five year old son, the Prince whom he named Ramiel.

Though he was young and good looking, he was spoiled and arrogant. His power as the heir to the throne and his entitlement as the glorious one got to his head. He was never scolded when he did something wrong as everything he does was seen as right. 

There he was, seated in front of the omegas – the breed responsible for running the domestic affairs of the palace - with different apparels in their hands waiting for their prince to choose which outfit he would like to wear for Princess Ellie's royal banquet. 

None of the outfits seemed to be enticing to him as he rejected all of them. 

"I don't like any of them. I want something else." Ramiel yelled, nearly scaring the omega females. 

"Then what would you like your highness? " Penelope, the head omega female asked. 

"I want a gold outfit." He replied, folding his hands across his chest. 

"But you have lots of gold outfits to choose from your highness." Penelope asked further. 

"I don't want any of those. I want a new one. Father says that I am going to meet my betrothed today and I have to look my best." He explained further. 

Just when he was about to continue, his mother, the queen of the Zeddicus clan, came in. 

Queen Zelda, wife of king Darius of the Zeddicus clan, naturally endowed with long blonde hair and blue eyes and a perfect hourglass figure came in looking all dazzled in her royal outfit. She was already dressed up for the banquet of the princess and was expecting to see her son completely dressed as well but she was disappointed instead. 

"Why isn't the Prince dressed yet?" Queen Zelda asked. 

"My queen, the Prince has refused to choose from any outfit that has been presented for him to choose from." Penelope explained as she bowed her head. 

Ignoring what she said, Queen Zelda approached her son asking him what the problem was. 

"My child. What troubles you?" She bent down in front him rubbing his cheeks gently. 

"I want a gold apparel mother. Father says that I will marry the baby princess as soon as the both of us grow up and that I have to look my best but they don't want to give me a gold outfit." Ramiel complained, pouting his mouth which made him look cute. 

"A gold outfit you want, a gold outfit you shall have." Zelda assured him and then went further to search through the wardrobes herself in order to get what she thinks her son might like. She finally saw a fancy gold outfit that caught her eye. 

"Yes. This is the one." She muttered to herself. 

"Son, I might have just found the one that suits you perfectly." Then Zelda dressed him in it and it fit him perfectly. She then made him stand in front of a mirror. 

"Do you like it son?" She asked knowing fully well what his response would be.

"Yes mother." He smiled as he turned around admiring himself in the mirror. 

The servants sighed in relief as they were grateful that their stress pertaining to the Prince was settled. 

"Now why don't we join your father outside and leave together for the party? 

" Queen Zelda suggested, tugging at her son's collar.

He nodded his head in agreement and then she took him outside. 

They met the king waiting outside just beside the carriage and he was delighted to see them from afar. 

"Darling you look stunning as always." Darius complimented, referring to his wife. 

"And you my son, you look handsome just like your father. Have you chosen a gift for your future mate and bride to be?" Darius asked, referring to Prince Ramiel.

"No father. I didn't know what to choose." He said leaving an expression of sadness on his face. 

"Not to worry, my son. I am sure we will be able to see something stunning to get for the princess on our way." He assured, as herubbed Ramiel's hair gently; as he normally does. 

They got on the carriage and when they got inside, he couldn't help but voice out his distaste for riding in such things when he knew he could transform and move faster than the carriage. 

"What to do...what to do." He commented. "I hate riding in such things when I know I can transform into a wolf and get this journey over with in a twinkle of an eye." He adjusted himself well into his seat then he continued. "Well, I have no choice. I am on an official invitation and have to let it be that way." Valerius shrugged in frustration.

"Yes my dear. No one would like to see a king appear at a royal banquet in his animal form. You must always appear magnificent." Zelda praised. 

"You are just all I need to keep living. Your inspirations and praises are second to none." Darius held her hand and instructed the horseman to carry on with the journey. 

"We can leave now." He ordered and just immediately, the carriage started its journey. 

The distance from his palace to that of King Valerius was a far one but it wasn't as far as it would be when he was travelling to another country. 

They made a stop at the market as instructed by the king because his son Prince Ramiel sighted a hair pin that looked beautiful from afar and wanted to get it as a gift for the princess. 

King Darius's carriage wasn't the only carriage on the journey as he had escort carriages as well. Most of them contained gifts for the princess and King Valerius's household. And as the King's carriage came to a halt, the others followed.

He got down with the prince and they headed to the store that sold the pins. On sighting the king, everyone bowed their heads in reverence and still continued their duties. 

The seller was delighted to have the king and the prince grace his store. 

"Goo... goo... good day my lord. I... I... I am honored to have you at my store. What would you like to buy?" The trader who was excited to see the King greeted, almost stammering as he bowed his head with hands crossed above his head. 

The king tapped him slightly at his back and went further to ask the Prince of the hair pin his son adored dearly. 

"How much is this hair piece?" King Darius asked. 

"It is 500 dakh my lord. It is made of precious stones and it is very rare. A type meant only for the noble, my Lord." The trader replied. 

"My son surely has a good eye for good things. I guess he got that trait from his mother." Darius looked back at his carriage where his wife, Queen Zelda was and had a mind link with her. He wanted her opinion on the hair pin. 

"It is very beautiful my lord. Besides, Ramiel likes it so... " She communicated with him through her mind. 

"I shall pay double for it." He handed him a thousand dakh, collected the hair pin and left immediately with his son.

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