

編集者: Atlas Studios

As dusk fell, Qiao Mei and Xia Zhe finished sending the wedding candies to the last few families and headed home.

"Sigh, it's been such a tiring day," Qiao Mei said as she massaged her sore shoulders.

Xia Zhe was also feeling very tired. They visited about 20 families along the streets and alleys today. Not only did they have to send wedding candies to every family, but people from each family would also hold them back to chat for a while. They wasted a lot of time doing that.

"You must be exhausted. I'll go boil some water for you to take a bath. You can go to bed once you're done," Xia Zhe said.

Qiao Mei nodded listlessly and sat on the rocking chair by the door as it swayed gently.

She had not rested long before she suddenly heard a strange sound.

"What's that sound?" Qiao Mei looked around the room curiously.
