
Guess Who's Back

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"It's okay to lose people, but never lose yourself"

- Eminem


Marvel World, New York, 6 of February

In the bedroom of the Carvalho residence, a figure slowly appears out of nowhere.

This figure is obviously Hector in his form fitting UMF suit. He seems to trying to be on high alert, as if he's waiting for some monster or baldhead to appear out of nowhere to attack him or worse... have tea with him.

Looking sideways, Sword Of Actuation in hand. Using Observation Haki and every possible power to detect anything strange he continues to center himself.

He's actually a little dizzy and confused from being back. Cross a multiverse can do this to a person.

Contrary to what he showed, he didn't immediately return to the Marvel World after saying goodbye to the heroes and his two girls.

Hector is too paranoid to just go off like this.


Little flashback

"huhu. Now, don't ever forget... I SOLO'ED ALL OF YOU SUCKERS. HAHAHAAHA"

Hector says it before apparently going back to his home world, but that's just a show for those present. With a beam of light he appears above Jakku Hospital, to observe a little how things will develop. In fact, there's still 02 hours left for his time in the world of BNHA to end.

Floating unseen in midair he watches as Principal Nezu and the others deal with the situation. He has to make absolutely sure they will keep their promise to clear Lady Nagant of the charges, as well as take care of Eri.

If not, he'll take the two of them to the world of Marvel... It's not ideal, but he won't have any other choice.

Fortunately his fears does not come to pass.

Within minutes, a large number of police cars and other heroes surround the hospital. They secure the perimeter, evacuate patients and staff.

From its high vantage point Hector can see that there doesn't seem to be any problem. No one is trying to handcuff Lady Nagant. Not that they can...

Hector gave her a good amount of quirks to defend herself with.

Seeing that everything is going well, Hector breathes a sigh of relief.

A second later he uses his quirk [Warping] to solve an unfinished business.

Using [Air Wall] he makes a platform to stand on, and on his immediate right appears Stain, The Hero Killer, after being transported by the quirk [Warping].

"So…" Hector starts "What do you think? Are you satisfied with the outcome?"

"You kept your promise… You really showed a better way to change this society" Stain says. "And I'll keep mine too..."

"So are you going to get out of the 'Hero killer' business for good?" Hector asks giving him a smirk.

"...Yes" after a bit of hesitation Stain replies "But I'm still going to hunt the fake heroes and break a little of their bones. Someone still has to make them dread fal to depravity again."

"Huhu... As long as you don't run around on another killing spree... Having someone like you instill fear in the hearts of bastards isn't all bad" Hector says and then looks down again, looking at the group of young heroes. .

"They can work in the light, inspiring people to become better versions of themselves..." Hector says pointing to the young people "You keep working in the shadows, being a deterrent to keep people from going astray."

"That's what I intend" Stain says while also looking down. "To the world I am your last subordinate who still carries your ideals. Let's let the shadow of 'Dis' hang as a threat of what could happen to this society if they falter again."

"Sorry to put your through this" Hector apologizes looking back at Stain.

"Forget it… I don't know any other life besides this one." Stain just shrugs.

The two fall into a comfortable silence as they listens for police sirens.

"You know..." Hector begins by calling the Hero Killer's attention "In the same class as those young people, there is a girl who wants to become a hero for money."

This makes Stain look at the group carefully.

"I'm not telling you this to go hunt her. Let me finish..." Hector adds "That girl, Uraraka Ochako... She's a good girl. Her parents don't have much money. She wants to be a hero to give a relaxed life to her parents."


"When she was little, she saw the tired face of her parents, and wanted to help. One day she saw a hero saving the day and looked around and noticed all the people smiling relaxed... Even her parents..." Hector continued as if talking to himself.


"What I mean is… If you look simplistically at her goal: she wants money… But if you look carefully and more deeply, she wants to put a smile on people's faces. Especially her parents, making them live comfortably." Hector finally turns to Stain "People have their own circumstances… Everyone is so complex. You shouldn't kill people, cutting off any chance and potential for good, by your own biased judgment. Is waht I want to you, Akaguro-san." Hector concludes.

"..." Stain is silent for a while. "I understand... People can be different types of heroes, creating my own template and killing the ones that don't fit... make me no different of Hero Commission"

Hector smiles.

"I'm glad that you understand" And then Hector looks back at the group below.

"Are you sure you don't want to spend this time with the two of them?" Stain asks.

"Ehh…" Hector scratches his cheek. "I already said goodbye… It would be embarrassing to show up again. Hehe."

"Changing the subject... Do you want me to fix your nose?" Hector asks.

"No... This wound is the proof of my determination. I inflicted it on myself after being enlightened by a man in the way I should go" Stain responds taking his hand where his nose should be.

"I know... Fun fact: The only quirk I ever gave you [Overclock] belonged to this guy. He lost to All For One and a copy was stored in this lab for all this time. Due to the brain damage All For One received, he couldn't use it without causing detriment to himself" Hector says, he likes to make these little revelations.

Stain, unlike Lady Nagant and Eri, received only one more quirk from Hector: [Overclock].

A quirk that allows the user to accelerate to extreme speeds, to the point that to the user, it looks like nothing is moving. According to the wiki, its true ability consists of stimulating the brain, speeding up the user's perception and thoughts relative to everything else, allowing them to move at a much faster speed than others.

In normal situations, the user can move at speeds approximately three to ten times faster than normal. In emergency situations, when the user's fight or flight response is active, the user can move at speeds a few dozen times faster than normal. The user can move fast enough to outpace bullets. The user can move fast enough to the point that the world seems completely frozen (moving faster than time requires you to move at the speed of light or faster: about 186,000 miles per second).

This quirk is very Op, is currently a Trump card in Eidolon's arsenal.

"!" This fact seems to surprise Stain. "I did not know that. Fate is really interesting."

Stain with this new quirk proves to be a fatal opponent for anyone. Lady Nagant has a copy too, by the way.

"Five minutes to go..." Hector says absently "It doesn't look like anything unpredictable is going to happen."


Hector finally stops looking down and turns his face to the horizon.

"Beatifull, huh?" He says to Stain.

"Looks very shitty to me..."

"Huh. Well, I think is a little my fault." Hector speaks referring to the state of the city. Deserted streets, graffiti, trash, poor lighting. Consequences of the temporary chaos that he created. "But I think the world in general is a very beatifull and nice place to live." Hector completes with a small smile.

"So nice… And because of that it's easy for bastards to taint this world with their evil intentions, Akaguro-san. It's easy to be evil. And to evil win, all is need is for good men do nothing..." Hector completes with a hard look in his eyes.

"One minute..." Hector says apparently to himself.

"Will you ever come back?" Stain asks.

"I intend… I don't know if it's possible… Believe it or not, I've only had my powers for less than two months. I don't know my limits yet. But I'll try to come back... In five or ten years" Hector says and then puts his chin between his fingers. "Although I don't know if there's time dilation..." he mutters.

"Well... Now it's my time for real" Hector says turning to Stain "Goodbye, Akaguro Chizome." He says holding out his hand.

Stain takes it without hesitation.

"Goodbye, Hector. I don't think that you are true hero. But you can be your own type of hero."

Hector laughs.

"Exactly what I intend."

And he opens a portal for Stan, while slowly disappearing.

Nothing flash as he had shown earlier. Just him fading into existence in this world...

Stain crosses the portal to an alley a little farther away.

He will work to keep alive the the little cahnge that Hector left in this world... In his own way.


Present time, Marvel world.

Minutes have passed and Hector is still on high alert.

Muscles coiled and ready to pounce on the sign of any irregularity.

Hector doesn't intend to let his guard down, he's just suffered a Multiversal Displacement. His mind and body were dizzy for a moment. He's afraid some sort of multiversal abomination has noticed this move of his or has followed him.

Or that anyone at Marvel itself has noticed.

He trusts the Gacha's, words if the Gacha says he can do something... There's no reason for Hector to doubt it... But he's going to do his own tests first, to be sure.

And also... what about the consequences?

This is something never considered in those novels and fanfics Hector read before he was transmigrated.

Travel Ticket said it would give you a month in another world. Okay.

But now is there any kind of consequence for this act?

Is it that simple to move between multiverses? And remain inconspicuous?

The world of Marvel is full of Universal and Multiversal level Entities... Hector may well have caught the attention of some of these beings.

Well... Hector also doesn't know anything about the Essence itself. Who make it? Was it an omnipotent being? Stronger than The One Above All? Is the Essence absolute? Did it naturally appear in the Omniverse? Did it choose him? It was luck?

Can Essence's powers really stand above the nigh-omnipotent beings of the Marvel Universe? Theoretically yes... But Hector doesn't know that, and he never trusts anything to be 100%.

After a few minutes and nothing happening Hector seems to relax, only outwardly...

He moves to a corner of the room. For a laptop he had previously bought and starts checking out certain things.

First, the clock shows the same numbers of a month ago. In other words, no time has really passed.

Then he goes to the webcam, and checks the last recorded minutes. Since before he used the Travel Ticket he pointed the camera at himself and recorded what his "transportation" would be like.

Watching the monitor Hector frowns.

From a third-person perspective, his body flicker for a second.

His body becomes transparent until it disappears and then he reappears in the same place.

This confirms a few things.

The first is that he really went body, mind and soul into the world of BNHA. He didn't just send his mind like a VR simulation.

The second is that it increases the chances that someone has noticed. So his earlier caution makes more sense.

Does the Gacha cloak him from people that can sense his Multivesal movement?

Keeping an impassive face Hector speaks.

"I know you're there."

But nothing responds.

"Why don't you come over so we can talk? Isn't it better than playing mind games?" Hector continues talking to nothing in particular.

Hector is bluffing. He doesn't feel anyone, even using various powers.

But that doesn't make him relax, after all if anyone can feel him moving between multiverses... That person must be way beyond Hector's perception.

Sighing Hector decided to let it go. Focusing on that now will be a waste of time.

If someone realy is ther, would have already made his move.


Hector P.O.V.

Caution is never too much.

Especially in the world I live in now. Vacation is over. Time to be in high alert again all the time.

Now I can no longer go around using my powers carelessly.

*Hah* Just thinking that I can't train openly anymore, and the delay it will now take to assimilate some characters...

Walking around the house and taking off my UMF suit, I find myself thinking about the time I spent in the world of BNHA.

I have a strange feeling in my chest... As if I've forgotten something... Something is bothering me...

Hmm... It can't be important.

I throw myself on the bed with open arms to relax a little.

The time is still early in the morning, I have the whole day ahead of me.

But 30 minutes later I still can't even take a nap.

I start reminiscing about everything I did during my one month stay and...



Did I really say those things??? Damn!!

And the things I did.... Urg.. That speech ...Am I naruto by any chance???

All that month I stayed cool and collected. It's not very difficult, after all, many characters I've assimilated are very calm and cold. Batman, Katakuri, Starkiller...

They have good control over their emotions. At least outwardly. Don't ltheir feelings show...

But now that I'm in the sanctuary that is my home... Relaxed... I start to think about my attitudes... And damn... I curse my genius-level intelligence that don't let me forget!

I need telepath! The best power! I can suppress my memories! The dream of every teenager.

Ugh. That speech like a villain showman.

I know it was to buy time, but man... so cringe.

But I don't know... It seemed cooler at the time... And in my head.

I'm still a teenager, huh? *sigh*

I think as I try to poke a hole in my bed to hide.

Aah~ At least there were a lot of good things. I met a lot of interesting people like the Holders of [One For All], Eri and Kaina...


I feel my body reacting just remembering the night we had.

Now I'm attached. And lonely... Tch.

"Okay, Hector! Stop thinking about the past" I say sitting up quickly and slapping my face twice (Some japanese habit that he absorbed) "In the future you try to go back... Being depressed now doesn't help you at all."

But is it possible to go back?

I open my Unused Card Inventory and see the other Anime Travel Ticket...

Can I go back to the world I've already visited? Or will it be another version? Or can I choose?

I can only choose the world after using the card, so I can't test it now.

Or maybe I need another type of card. I really don't know everything that I can gain though the Gacha.

I don't plan on using a Travel Ticket anytime soon. I want to get used to all my earnings in the world of BNHA.

And I also want to get some rest...

(A.N.: Honestly, if it were me... I would use every Travel Ticket soon. It would be a good opportunity to train and stay ahead since I would be a newbie in the world of Marvel.

But in this story, which has already spent 10 chapters away from the world of Marvel, Time to focus in the main storyline. Hector won't be using the Travel Ticket anytime soon. I hope the reason is reasonable.)

I will use the Travel Ticket When I hit a bottleneck or became stagnated. There is no need to use now...

Let's check my situation and plan for the future...

I decide to open my Gacha tabs.


[Hector Belluci de Carvalho

Race: Metahuman

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilated:

- Funny Valentine

- Batman

- Miles Morales

- Yagami Light

- Jayce

In Progress:

- [Charlotte Katakuri – 92%]

- [Starkiller -80%]

- [Loki - 12%]

Summoned Characters:



- Source of All Living Matter

- Minecraft Inventory

- Miss Militia Power Shard

- Power Manipulation

-Various Other stolen/copied powers (One For All, Overhaul, Rewind, New Order, Decay...)


- Custom Visual Powers

- Imbue Card Mechanic

Equipped Items:

- None

Inventory (Minecraft):

- Chakra Books

- E.D.I. Bio-Mech Suit V2.0

- Starkiller Sith Armor

- Lightsaber x04

- Neutralizer Gun

- 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Combat Pistol, Jackal (Hellsing)

- Sword of Actuation (Berserk)

- Hextech Hammer

- ... (Others)]

Hmm... I had predicted that the assimilation of Katakuri, Starkiller and Miles would take about three months if I just stayed in Marvel, not being able to freely use my abilities.

Going to the BNHA world, I intended to finish all three before coming back, as I could train and fight freely.

But I didn't just train there... I studied, researched, stayed with Eri and Kaina, learned about heroes and villains from my "ghost teachers" and also took the time to get used to the considerable number of quirks I acquired. Not counting the time hunting powers.

So it's no surprise that I couldn't finish assimilating Katakuri and Starkiller. Well... no problem because my growth in other areas pays off.

*Sigh* Seeing Loki's rapid assimilation just confirms that MCU!Loki is really weak... Too bad. But with it I gain a base to start using magic.

Just as I've noticed that I can use Haki beyond what Katakuri is capable of, nothing stops me from using magic beyond what Loki was capable of now that I have the potential.

Plus I probably have a life span of tens of thousands of years. And resistance to poisons, diseases and cold that this Frost Giant Physiology should give me.

Starkiller is really slowly progressing... This surprised me. As he is a baseline human without the Force, I thought he would be the fastest to assimilate.

But it seems that the sheer amount of abilities takes a toll in the assimilation. And the fact that he was my first character with an overwhelming "spiritual" power... I think that he is laying the foundation for future assimilations to be smoother. Before him I must have had a very "normal" mind.

(A.N.: Seeing the "VS Battles" wiki show that Starkiller is very fuckin strong. Planetary level in truth. so the assimilation takes time, Hector jsut don't know how much stronger is right now. I use "vs Battles" and "Ominiversal battlefield" to see the tier of the cahracters, btw.)

And when Katakuri reached 91% I finally acquired the Mochi Mochi no Mi awakening. Neat. Now that I probably have all of his abilities, all I need to do is acquire all of his stats. Physical strength, speed...

My goal is to try to finish assimilating Katakuri, Starkiller, and Loki by the end of the month. I want to leave the slots free for whatever I win in the next Gacha. I have time, it's still February 6th. Gacha will be on March 1st.

Let's see my unused cards, I don't think there are any more characters that I want to assimilate.


[Non-used cards:


-Shego (Kim Possible)


-Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) (Dc Comics)

-Tokito Muichiro (Kimetsu No Yaiba)

-Miyata Ichiro (Hajime No Ippo)

-Nagachika Hideyoshi (Tokyo Ghoul)

-Busujima Saeko (High School of the Dead)

-Isabella (Yakusoko No Neverland)

-Gigantomachia (Boku no Hero Academia)


-Batch of Heart-shaped Herb

-Zeta Flight Space Station (Earth-25271)

-Kaneki Mask (Tokyo Ghoul)

-Special Fire Force Field Uniform (Enen no Shouboutai)

-Derous Kitchen Knife (Toriko)

-Icha Icha series (Naruto)

-Murasame (Akame Ga Kill!)

-Palantíri (Lord Of the Rings)

-M41A Pulse Rifle (Alien VS. Predator)

Powers and Abilities

-Made in Heaven Stand (JJBA:SO)

-Demon-blood Art: Infinity Castle (Kimetsu no Yaiba)


-Shonen Setting Travel Ticket (Mid-Tier/one-month)

-Background Customization Card x04

-Movie Setting Travel Ticket

- Weakness Removal Card x02 ]

Hmm... Really, no characters I want the skills. I think these are all potential summons... and maybe...

I must finally do the first summon now.

I am strong enough to control any of these that are summoned, in the event of rebellion. But I doubt it will happen anyway...

By tomorrow my High School starts, so my time will be even more limited. At least until I graduate early and go to college.

So it will be nice to have someone who can do things for me while I'm busy half the day seeing people I don't want to see and learning things I already know...

But who first?

Honestly, I see only 3 viable options... Shego, Helena and Isabella.

The others can't help me right now.

I think I'll start with Isabella... of the three she is the weakest, and with the most "submissive" personality. It will be a good test.

Wait! I can test it by summoning Flerken first... Let's see how this "essence imbue loyalty" works...

I take the Flerken Card and use it to summon...

For some reason, this Flerken card is the only one with no option to assimilate.

I have some theories. Like him not being humanoid or not being sapient... But I'll need more examples to test these theories.

After trying to sommon this alien cat, a prompt appears asking me:

[ Do you want to use a Background Customization Card(04)?]


What use? Pedigree?

As a result, the card scatters into particles of light that reshape into the shape of an ordinary cat.


A gray fluffly cat, with Stripes appear in my room.

He looks at me curiously.

I watch him too.

"Do you speak? Or understand me?" I start.

"Meowth" Hmm.. So he is not a cartoonish pet.

I feel like I can understand him a little bit.

Do I have a mental link with summons? Or just "pets"?

"Come here" I say extending my hand.

He comes over and starts rubbing himself against my outstretched hand. I can't resist and start to caress his soft fur.

He climbs onto my lap.

"Can you do a 360º backflip?" I ask jokingly.

He looks at me with the face that says "Do you seriously want me to do this?"

"Okay, okay. You seem lazy and narcissistic like any cat, but you seem to obey me." I say and take a gold bar from my Inventory.

"Show me your powers. Eat this." I say throwing the bar up high.

He looks at the bar for a moment before opening his mouth.

His mouth extends far enough to almost take in his entire face, tentacles much larger than what could naturally fit this little cat reach out and capture the gold bar. In the next instant, the bar is already in his stomach, and he acts as if nothing has happened, licking his snout.

"Wow" I say "That's cool as hell"

He looks proud of himself.

"Can you spit it back?" I ask.

He looks at me for a moment, seems hesitant to part with his snack, but doesn't look like he's going to disobey. I just raise an eyebrow at him and he promptly obeys.

It immediately regurgitates the gold bar onto my bedroom floor, along with saliva and damaging my carpet.

"Good boy. I will give you more delicious things later." I say rewarding him with a scratch behind his ears.

Looks like he's obedient. But it retains its own individuality.




Bond Relationship [1/10]

According to Gacha, when the relationship reaches 10, the summons will love me unconditionally, will follow any order even if it goes against their morals and ideal, and would even die for me without hesitation.

For now he follows my orders, and he will certainly not betray me. Those are the only guarantees.

"Can you eat again? Slower…" I say.

He obeys, and I watch more carefully.

Hmm. Those tentacles look strong.

"Spit it out" He obeys again.

"Nice one" I reward him with more affection. And I see the Bond Relatioship increasing to 2. That's easy...

"Now… what name to give you?" I speak while lifting him Lion King style.

I don't see genitals. So I think it's female... Or are Flerken asexual? I never had a cat.

I remember seeing once on the Marvel wiki that they only eat until they have enough energy to lay hundreds of eggs.

Urgh. I shudder with the thought.

"Should I search an intergalactic vet to neuter you?" I ask.

"Meowth!" he doesn't seem to like it.

But he doesn't attack me or anything. I teased him to see if he could damage me, like Nick Fury in the MCU. Test his loyalty...

But even though he obviously doesn't like the conversation, he just stays still.

It seems to be true that summons can't do anything to my detriment.

"Well… back to the name. Since you seem to be asexual... Any kind of name will be fine. Simba? Tama? Lovecraft?... No, no. Bad idea."

Lovecraft had a cat, and his cat's name wasn't so cool. Who knows, knows.

But since you're such a cute Eldritch abomination, I think I'll stick with the theme.


"Haha ha! Your name will be CAT-thulhu! haha"

No one can convince me otherwise. I loved this name.


Wait... I have [Anivoice]. Ugh

[Anivoice] is a quirk that allows the user to communicate with and command animals through speech.

"Are you kind of just obeying me because of this quirk? Or the fact that I'm understand you slightly is because of [Anivoice]?"

The understanding part is the passive part of the quirk. But I didn't use the quirk to give commands. So I think his is really loyal.

And can [Anivoice] work on animal aliens? Or maybe because he is similar enough to an Earth animal?

Tch. The test was for nothing. I can't be sure of anything with jsut one summon.

I will Just summon one of the others right now.

"Well, Cathulhu. I need to buy you some things. A collar, sandbox, toys, food... But let's summon a companion now. so give me a help with 'The Godfather' play, okay?" I say picking Cathulhu, and going downstairs, to the living room.

Putting my new pet on my lap I sit in a confortable chair.

Honestly, if Isabela doesn't seem loyal I'll just send her away. She's not that precious. Better than forcing something.

I'll use my powers to read her, and find out if she's trustworthy. I have several powers that can help me on this. I had a rule not to abuse powers like that, lest I become lazy and complacent. But the situation demands it. I can be flexible.

Time to the truth.



Third Person P.O.V.

Xavier Institute, Cerebro Room

Professor Charles Xavier, to the world he is a renowned researcher with a focus on the fields of biology and sociology. His most acclaimed work is his research into the mutations that happen in the human that generates their powers. The X-gene, as the professor called it, is the factor in the genetic code that gives the potential for human beings to develop their innate mutant abilities.

But for anyone who knows the super-secret side of the world, will know that the Professor himself is a telepath mutant. In his youth he traveled the world, and when he discovered that there were many like him, he decided to invest his family's wealth and property to found Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. To be able to help young people that is just like him to control their gifts. And pave the way for coexistence between humans and mutants.

At the moment Charles Xavier is in a secret room at the institute.

The Cerebro Room.

The Cerebro is a device that the Professor created with the help of Henry "Hank" McCoy, and later has been improved with the help of his student Jean Grey, creating the second version.

This Sunday morning the teacher is operating on the Cerebro as usual. He always takes a few hours out of the day, usually at the beginning and end of the day, to be on the lookout in case a mutant emerges that needs the help from the X-men.

But out of nowhere, lights start flaring, smoking starts rising, the system overload and the Professor who was wearing the helmet starts to feel excruciating pain in his head. As quickly as it happened, that event is over. Leaving Cerebro inoperable and a panting professor lying on the floor.

Some minutes later...



"Oh my god!"

"Are you alright?"

A group appears along with a small burst of smoke.

The group consists of four people Hank McCoy the "Beast", Kurt the "Nightcrawler", Jean Grey the "Marvel girl" and Scot Summers the "Cyclops". When Cerebro had a problem, it alerted Hank McCoy that was in his lab and he immediately called Kurt and asked to bring Jean in in case the professor received any mental backslash. Scott is just a tag along.

"Professor, what happened? Are you okay?" Jean asks as she helps Hank McCoy examine the professor. Jean is a teenager telepath and empathic mutant, she is a redhead with green eyes and appears to be under 18 years old. She is one of the founding members of the X-Men.

At the moment the group has less than 2 years of field activity, in which they help to rescue mutants and fight against anti-mutant groups, and the brotherhood.

"*pant* I'm- *pant* I'm okay... It's the Cerebro. It registered a large mutant power source. It overloaded..." The Professor speaks as he is helped to his wheelchair.

"The Cerebro, like a hearing aid, helps you telepaths feel the brainwaves of mutants. The downside is that if you get too much information, you get sensory overload. Hmmm.. I'll try to do something to prevent it from passing too much information at once, in case the readings are off charts.." The Beast, Hank McCoy, mutters lost in thought as he reads the teacher's vital signs with a device in his hand.

As Dr. McCoy said, Cerebro works by reading a specific type of brain wave that people with innate powers release, especially when they use their powers. Hector studied this theory in the world of BNHA...

Tartarus Prison is full of devices that constantly read the brain activity of inmates. IF the part of the brain responsible for activating the quirk changes... All type of devices, weapons, restrictions will emerge to contain the prisoner.

Knowing the theory of how Cerebro works, Hector obviously took precautions to prevent detection. He already has a natural and robust mental defense, and one thing is that he never procrastinated on is his daily meditation to further strengthen his mind.

The problem was the Multidimensional movement that Hector suffered upon returning.

His re-adaptation to the laws of physics and to the Marvel world in general made him dizzy for a second. Obviously, he was slightly vulnerable at that time, so he was using powers to defend himself and detect any danger.

During that one second of time when he was using multiple powers and was slightly messed up with his mental faculties, the Professor was using Cerebro. And he caught Hector's existence before Hector stabilized.

But the Cerebro couldn't pinpoint Hector location, Only that he is in America.

The Cerebro is broken now, but even If it were to be used again, it would be impossible to locate Hector who has already raised his mental defenses.

"So you mean a powerful mutant has emerged?" Scott asks. The leader of the X-men, when he's not following the instructions of adults like Logan, Storm and Hank.

Scott is an alpha-level mutant that can shoot concussive blast though his eyes. He can't control it, because of this he uses glasses made of a ruby ​​quartz material.

"Yes... From the reading it's definitely an Omega-level... In fact, it was the highest reading recorded by Cerebro..." The Professor speaks. Leaving one detail aside...

The sensation that the reading leaving on him is somewhat similar to the reading another mutant's mind... His son.

David Haller, the "Legion" is an Omega-level mutant who is currently imprisoned in a secret psychiatric hospital, which Xavier funds for the protection of David and the world.

The reason the reading is familiar is that Legion can create spontaneous powers, with a downside of creating a different personality as well, and he is a mutant with the greatest amount of powers that Charles Xavier had ever felt.

Till now...

This creates an uneasy felling in Charles Xavier. A mutant with that much power usually lacks the control to wield it. Storm still changes the weather from time to time with her strong emotions, Jean has little control over her telepathy, and he doesn't even want to talk about Wanda or his own son...

The Example of the best control of a Omega-leve that Xavier knows is Magneto... But he's spent decades perfecting his powers.

Charles Xavier swears to himself to find and help this mutant before he harms others, or even himself.

An interesting fact is that Hector had already foreseen the possibility of being associated with "Legion". In fact, one of the main reasons he took [All For One] was the possibility of giving people the idea that his power is "copying/stealing powers".

Anything to disguise the Gacha. His biggest secret.

If he showed up with a new skill every month, people would be suspicious. No one would have a powerset as vast as he did. He doesn't mind people knowing he can take the powers of others... That wouldn't reveal the specific powers he has anyway. How are you going to guard against someone who may have thousands of abilities.

It would even be good to pass on the false image of invincibility and mystery that he intends to have in the future.

But the Gacha... No way he wants someone to know about it. Power copying would be an excellent cover.

And also he doesn't intend to show all his powers. Giving false information will be an advantage to him.

As Xavier spoke with the group of four, Kitty Pride the "Shadowcat" phases through the roof bringing Logan, Storm, Robert "Bobby" Drake the "Iceman, Jubilee and Rogue (holding her covered sleeve).

"So we have a new student, Chuck?" Logan, the Wolverine asks nonchalantly after seeing that the Professor appears to be in no critical condition.

The Professor sighs and shakes his head. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. I couldn't find out his or her exact location. Just that it's on the East Coast of America. And Cerebro is not functional right now."

Kitty Pride opened her mouth at this point as well. "Sooo... Maybe he got his powers naturally... you know... No life crushing trauma. That is a good thing." She says while fiddling with her smartphone, browsing news and social media sites, searching for any big event taht can realte with a mutant activity.

"We can go looking using the Blackbird." Scot speaks.

"Would be a goose chase. We don't even know where to start" Logan retorts.

"Let's wait, if he's that powerful maybe he can't stay hidden for long." Storm adds.

"And if it takes too long we can use Cerebro again" Jean Gray talks. "How long do you think it will take to fix it Dr. McCoy?"

"Hmmm… At least a week. But if it's to put the improvements I'm thinking about, much more. It will be useless to reuse Cerebro without improvement. He would just go in overload again..." The Furry doctor says.

"Yes. There is no need to be overeager now. In time will bring this new mutant to teach him about himself and to him to know that he is ot alone." Charles Xavier speaks.

With that he dismisses everyone, making them go back to what they were doing previously.

What he doesn't know is that this new muntant will find them first.



In a gold-covered hall, two figures in green stroll carelessly through the treasury of Odin's palace. If someone look at where they came from,they could see several Eihenjar guards standing around, looking completely normal.

Only withtheir eyes glowing from time to time with green lights.

The guards have already fallen under the illusion and magic charm of the two individuals.

Loki and Amora.

"So... What type of toys are we taking?" Amora asks Loki as she walks a little behind. Letting Loki be the first to face anything ahead.

Breaking into Odin's vault wouldn't be one of the first things she'd want to try in her entire life. This little trip of them has everything to go wrong.

"Just some items to smooth our future endeavors." Loki responds with a smile.

"Tell me again how you think this plan of yours is going to work… You were never the more successful of the brothers" Amora drawls, as she twirls a lock of hair around her index finger.

The corner of Loki's mouth twitches.

"It will work... Thor is not at his peak right now, you can control him and turn him into whatever you want, and I will have Midgard... And eventually the Nine Realms."

"And you think Odin will just sit around and let you do what you want?" Amora asks.

"Keke. Odin won't be able to interfere until it's too late. And even when he tries… I will have my means to deal with the All-father." Loki responds.

"I see..." Amora just says, Loki doesn't look like he'll reveal anything more. She doesn't care as long as she can have Thor.

Loki appears to have a backing, athat will provide him with a army. But she doesn't know much about it.

With Thor in hand, as it should have always been, Loki will be no problem.

She has her own ways too, which she didn't reveal to Loki. This partnership won't last long, now it's just a matter of waiting for whoever gets what they want first, to betray the other right away.

The two continue walking, until they find themselves in front of a pedestal with an artifact the size of a football ball in the shape of an eye.

"The Warlock's Eye..." Amora says, mesmerized.

"Yes... With this you can have Thor. Forever..." Loki says flamboyantly signaling to the artifact.

The Warlock's Eye is a mystical weapon with the ability to cast powerful mind-controlling enchantments that very few can resist. If Amora uses this artifact to strengthen her natural Charm Magic...

"Heeh~ You really did your part. With that, Thor not only won't interfere with your plans... He'll even help. Now you just need to guide me to where Thor is hiding in Midgard" Amora says with a smile.

"All in it due time, My Lady. Now let's get out quickly, get the artifact." Loki says while conjuring a portal to escape.

Amora doesn't hesitate to get Warlock's Eye after making sure it doesn't have any traps. And then she walks through the portal quickly, as if afraid something might go wrong.

Watching Amora pass through the portal, Loki squints his eyes and then turns to another pedestal.

For a certain item that under normal circumstances would be useless and even dangerous for any Asgardian.

Before entering the portal and following Amora, Loki takes it and stores this item in a magical space.

His true objective from the beginning.

The Casket Of Ancient Winters


A.N.: Hello, guys and galls.

Chapter to remind you all of the powers of the MC and a bit of World Building.

Creating the foundation of the next adventures.

I was thinking, sometimes you can't help but make a chapter a little... "Weak". You have to create a base for the climax.

You know, like in One Piece, Fishman Island and Punks Hazard. Yikes... But it served as the foundation that is now paying off in Wano.

I was very happy for the praise that the end of BNHA arc had. I'm glad that works.

I found that my writing style is quite slow... I like to develop the characters and the world a lot. And I also like Slice of life. So the pacing of story is very turtle-like, sorry.

Soo... Next chapters won't have much action.

But relax, in this story, the first 13 were the origin of Mc.

Bnha arc was a development.

The prologue is finally over guuuys.

Let's go.

BTW, I made some auxiliary chapters to help remember everything the MC has. Check it out.

Also explain to Essence.

Bye people.

Stay safe. Till next time.

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

EvansKannoncreators' thoughts