
Word Of Heroes And Villains: Part 9

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true... that is how they define reality. But what does it mean to be correct and true? Merely vague concepts... their reality may all be an illusion."

- Uchiha Itachi


Lying on a reclined beach chair, I watch the kids play through my sunglasses.

Eri and the Shimano siblings, Katsuma and Mahoro befriended quickly after I saved their family from the villain Nine.

Yes. I already take care of the plot of this movie too. Nine's quirks are very good, there's even a [Weather Manipulation]. Much weaker than the Storm power from the X-men, but it's something already.

I also copied the quirks of the two brothers. A healing quirk and an illusion quirk, very nice too.


Using a quirk I copied from a reporter, [Whole body lens] I take pictures of children playing. I'll give their father a copy later.

I'm much more relaxed in this world now. Just doing a victory lap at the moment.

Now I'll start discreetly copying quirks I've seen in the manga, I'll try to catch them all.

After my fight with Nine, if you even can call that a fight... I just dodges everything he and his goons threw at me and defeat them with one move each. But I finally complete 100% with Miles Morales Card. Yaay.

After some thought I decided to assimilate Yagami Light. In theory, assimilating him will increase my intelligence and deductive ability, in addition to the process being faster... Freeing the Assimilation spot faster.

I thought in summon him, after all there's nothing he can do that I can't already. Batman after all... But I remembered that he is a narcissist, sociopath with god-complex. We're not going to get along. I thought about making another summon assimilate him... But on the final I decided to test how much my intelligence will increase with a similar card.

There diverses types of intelligence after all.

First, my theory proved to be true. With one night's sleep, his card percentage went up to 67%. Today I will finish assimilating him and will be able to use another card. And I feel like there's been an improvement in certain aspects of my mental attributes. Concentration, thinking faster, deducing better... So it's a win.

I think the next will be Loki or Jayce. Hum.. Jayce should assimilate faster than Loki, hopefully before the Travel Ticket runs out. But I really want magic ASAP... Decision, decisions...

Feeling something cold being pressed into my arm I turn to look at Lady Nagant, who has brought me something to drink.

She is wearing a two-tone full body swimsuit, dark blue and pink. Matching her hair. I'm the one that made it. She refused the sling one I made previously... I don't know why.

I want to believe or relationship have improved in the last days.


I take some pictures of her too. She glares at me. Sorry, but not sorry.

"Thank you, darling." I say smirking to Kaina-san

She only continues to glare and after a moments she sighs, and then sits by my side.

It came as a surprise to me when the Shimano family confused me and Lady Nagant as Eri's parents haha. But I thought it was really funny at the time and I didn't correct it, in fact I even started acting like it was true.

They think I'm Eri's father because I still keep my hair white, and Eri's horn when she's around. Initially, I wanted to pass as an older brother. But since I got the muscle quirk of Muscular and others. I make myself look older in my secret form. Increasing muscle mass and a few inchs of height. Getting more adult.

I'll use it in the world of Marvel to throw people off me even more, in my secret identity.

"Why are you doing all this?"

"Excuse me? IF you want I can erase the photos."

"Not that… Your plan, your acting, your research.. everything." Kaina-san says, "You could have just taken what you want and need and that's it. Is not your problem"

I talked to her about a lot. Honestly, the closer it gets to the time I leave, the less I care who knows my true origins.

"Um…" Putting my chin between my fingers I think a little about how to respond, "My grandparents are farmers." I say.

"..." she just watches me and waits for me to continue.

"They live off the land, they taught me that whenever you take something away, you better give something back. Seed good karma or something. For everyone to win... The cycle of life or something like that..."

She just looks at me with her impassive face.

"I could have not cared, you're right… But, I just feel like I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't do what I'm doing, you know? Heroes... Don't Always have the luxury of choosing the easy way. Huhu" I say as I look at the horizon. "And even though I'm not a natural hero like All Might, I want to try to be a good person at least... Tell me what's better... To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" I ask quoting a game from before I'm transmigrated.

After that we fell into silence. Words no longer need to be said. A few minutes later Eri shouts calling me to play in the sea.

I stand up and extend my hand to Kaina-san

"Come, wifey" I say cheekily "There's a lot to live for yet Kaina-san, don't give up so early."

After a few seconds she grabs my hand.

I want to believe that I will be able to revive the optimism she had in her youth.


07 days until the Travel Ticket expires

"... the situation in japan is chaotic. More and more heroes abandon their posts. Even with the efforts of Star and Stripe and Endeavor, support for the heroes from the population has plummeted."


"We are here in a movement on the streets in which the population asks the Villain Dis to take over Japan and establish a new order."


"Strange thing happening with students of heroic courses and heroes overall, they appear to be attacked in their residences. But no harm was done to them. Victims allege they are knocked unconscious and wake up in their beds hours later."


"The Prime Minister talks about the measures taken to increase security.."


Turning off the TV I refocus on what I'm doing. I'm watching a criminal that had been injected with something I've created.

Immoral? Maybe, but the guy is a rapist pedophile, so...

Watching the lights turn green I clench my fist in a small victory celebration.


It's not perfect, but this work can be continued after I'm gone.

"Congratulations, Hector. You did something amazing." Yoichi-san is the first to congratulate me.

Focusing in my mind the other holders of [One For All] nod and congratulate me too. Even the second and third, who don't like me very much.

"This is really amazing, Hector-kun. You are decades ahead of Dr. Garaki." All For One says.

Looking at the man still chained to his throne, I think the time has finally come.

"I think it's time, sensei." I say and everyone tense.

"Oh... It's finally my time? Too bad. I really want to see the height that your one day will reach, Hector-kun." He says, not at all bothered by his own impending death.

"Any last words, sensei?" I ask.

He smiles and starts talking. "I want to give you one last piece of advice, Hector-kun. The only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself. If there comes a day when you become discredited with the world and the people in it, it's okay to let go of those inhibitions and act as you see fit. And bring forth your true potential. You owe nothing to the world and the people in it."

"So you're basically saying to go ape shit in the future if thing don't go my way. Sorry but no. Don't act like you can predict my future jut because we have similar powers" ​​I say but he never stops smiling.

"Time for disappear, sensei."

After that I make my mental world reject All For One. It starts to slowly disappear. Too peaceful an ending for a guy like him. But I don't personally hate the bastard...

But I don't intend to become a second All For One, I learned from him. And that's it. It would be stupid not to use it. He was very helpful after all. Probably wants me to carry his legacy or something.. Sorry, but like you said, I owe nothing to you All For One.

"Your guys will stick around for now…enjoy" I say before turning my attention back to the real world. Holders of [One For All] seem relieved that All For One is finally dead. Must be a great victory to them... A century old grudge finally solved, I can't even imagine.


I decided to assimilate Jayce first, and as I predicted. It's been fast. I believe that in the day of my return, I must complete it.

But that leaves me with a problem. A weakness.

And weaknesses disgusts me.

Magic. Although I'm not completely ignorant about magic, thanks for the Chakra Books...

But these books teach more about basics, mind strengthening, chi. It's the kind of magic that Iron Fist and The Hand use. There are no spells, like Dr. Strange...

So I have a huge blindspot in magic knowledge. And magic is bullshit. Serious, Magic is the most bullshit power of all...

And I don't think Loki's card will solve it. After all, the MCU's Loki is very weak... Nothing like his comic counterpart. He uses illusion and daggers. pfft... The only daggers users that I respect is Thorfinn and Sung Jin-woo.

So I decided to use my three Power Boost Cards in the Sword of Actuation. The sword that can harm astral and magical beings.

I could save the Power Boost Cards... Use it on [One For All], but I'd rather train theses powers for now, and use the cards later. Power Boost cards apparently come easy on the Gacha. My instincts are telling me I'm going to need to get into magic early on. Like the Murphy's Law... I have powers, technology, physical power, but I don't have magic... And usually you always lack what you will need most.

I remember clueless playing Pokemon Platinum, and dueling with Cynthia with a comp of Pokemons very bad against her... I have PTSD till this day.

Removing the Sword of Actuation from my inventory. I start using the Power Boost cards, and after I use the second one... changes start happening.

The blade that is previously a light-blue hue become blood-red. I remember that red beheliths are from the Godhand, so now my sword is made from the strongest types of behelits. Nice.

Starting to make tests with the sword, I notice that it is stronger. The dimensional rift is open easily, and I can make some sort of dimensional slash that can cut very, very far. Much stronger than preciously...

Watching some birds flying over me, I decide to try something. Changing my way of thinking and wanting to cut only astral things I attack and cut the group of birds.

They fall from the sky one by one. No injuries. But dead. Hmm... getting closer I resolve to just use the sword normally and I make blood come out of the bodies now.

Cut the material and the immaterial... neat. Like... Did I just cut their souls? crazy

With one boost card left I decide to spend it. Hmm....

I'll use it in [Source of All Living Matter], I want to see if I can use power from the titans without needing to transform. Warhammer, attack and founder are surprising useful. Maybe one day I can make my own "Paths" to my descendants, or maybe my summons.

A mental world to share, powers, knowledge, experiences will be useful;

Honestly, if my power was just a Titan power, I wouldn't spend a Power Boost card on it, but since it's the original [Source of All Living Matter], maybe it can evolve into something more OP. Like a biokinetic power, equal to Elixir or Panacea.

After using the card. I test it and... is a failure.


Hum... Maybe note a completely failure. I feel that I can use some powers in human forms, or some qualities from Titans. A white-like substance involves my arm. And I can Harden/crystallize a little too.

I make a cut on myself and spill my blood in the ground. The blood stay there. But I will the blood to disappear, and it's starts to evaporate. Like Titan Blood.

One more thing to prevent people from getting my DNA.

With the growth from today I decide to go back and spend time with the girls.


04 days until the Travel Ticket expires

I believe I've collected all the quirks I want. Some I took openly, others I copied secretly. Mainly those of the heroic course students.

Gentle Criminal, La Brava, Shiketsu High School, some heroes, others characters only show in anime.

At the moment I have all the quirks shown in the manga/anime/movies and more. Unfortunately I couldn't find any more hidden gems. I expected that the law of probability would help me, and I would find some secretly OP quirk, not shown in the series, in a 5 year old boy who is surprisingly talented.

Too bad.

I have many quirks, but quirks are weak in general. They are full of restriction and drawbacks. But all can be useful. Hum... quirks can also be a good reward system for my subordinates.

The higher in my group's hierarchy, the more quirks soemone can have. [High Specs], [Super Regeneration], [ Longevity], many quirks that I can make a package depending on the role the person has in my organization.

A secretary or a lawyer with [High Specs], doctors with [X-ray vision], fighters with [Power], [Shock Absorption], [Super Regeneration]... So much potential.


Now I'm in the woods doing a light training with Lady Nagant and Eri. In truth, Eri is asleep in Lady Nagant lap.

The exercise is light, because since my battle against the Meta Liberation Army, I've stopped pushing myself so hard in my training. I still train constantly, but I won't kill myself by any progress. Without forcing anything, a little more relaxed.

Now I'm practicing the various quirks that I have. Many are very weak, but can be useful in certain situations, and I can give to other people too. Like a [Invisibilty] quirk to Shego do spy work.

"So... What's it like to come to a completely different world?" Lady Nagant speaks out of nowhere.

"Oh... Trying to make small talk, are we?"

"Just curious. It's not every day you meet someone from another dimension."

"Huhu. True, true... It's... Strange. I already tell you about this being a fictional world to me, right? Relatively..."

"Yes... And I already have my existential crisis, thanks."

"Huhu. No, no. I'm the one that should say Thanks, your reaction will be a good reference to me."

And it's true. To me that one day will summon fictional characters... I feel that I won't be able to keep they origins a secret for long. Heck, maybe they already know that in the moment they're summoned. I have to know how to handle this.

Lest they fall into some crippling nihilistic depression.

"Well…" I continue, "How do I know you're real?" I say looking straight into her eyes.

She looks surprised. "What are you talking about I ex-"

"Do you exist that's why you're real? You think, therefore you exist?" I interrupt her. "It doesn't help me. I told you that I had the opportunity to come to this world because of my power." I haven't talked about the details of my power, and I'll never talk about Gacha to anyone. "But how do i know this is all real?" I say spinning around myself with outstretched arms

She just looks at me with a shocked expression. I think she is starting to realize how things are from my point of view...

I give a mirthless laugh. "This is a manga/anime world for me. For all I know, I'm living a simulation, a dream... Maybe this world was created for me personally. A copy of the original so I can do whatever I want... Maybe you, Eri and this world won't even exist when I'm gone... Everything I'm doing can be pointless..." I feel her moving, but I continue my monologue. Narcissistic and egocentric? maybe... but when you have powers like mine... Serious... Gains things that can destroy or create universes.... Wow. Sometimes I can't wrap my head of how lucky I am.

"I'm in a fantasy world, with absolute power. No consequences will ever catch with me. I can do whatever I want. Maybe all my effort is for nothing. And if the fact that I'm holding back in this world, ends up being the reason of the end of my world??? I could have achieved so much more in personal strength. I could have surrendered to my desires. Heck... I'm trying to do something good But I don't even know if this good thing will work out in the long run. I won't be here to see it. To make it work!" I unload my frustration. Tch. That's not me. Calm down, Hector.

I feel Lady Nagant holding my face and making me look at her.

During my outburst, she move away from the still sleeping Eri and came to my side.

"The fact that you're doing your best for this world, even though you don't have any obligations. Makes you a good person. A better person than many at least…" she says softly.

"...I don't like being hated." I confess. I Watch the news... What people say about me, the consequences of my actions... Even if the intentions are good... It doesn't change that many are suffering at the moment. And I don't like this... Maybe is naive or even pathetic, but I'm a normal teenager less than two months ago.

Even with the assimilations helping me mature, I'm still me. The good and bad me.

I try to argue that if this world followed the storyline of the manga things would be much worse, but this comfort is pretty empty.

Lady nagant give me a compassionate look. "No one likes being hated. You know... I realized my actions were wrong long before I acted and killed my superior. But it took me so long to act... I didn't want to stop being a heroine that people looked up to, I wanted to be praised and being told I was doing a good job... That thought held me back a lot." she says.

"Maybe if I had voiced this feeling earlier...would have talked to someone. Maybe I would have retired normally. I wouldn't have done something so extreme. Closing so many doors." she continues. "Don't suppress that feeling Hector. You can have these selfish little thoughts. You deserve this." she says and does something that surprises me.

She hugs me. Hmm.. err. Strange.

I was junst ranting a little. To clear my head to the game. Not need to became so emotional, now is awkward to just laught it off.

But I feel like it is helping me as much as helping her too, so I won't part for now.

"You know. If you want, you can come to my world with me." I make the proposal.

"From what you've said, I'm in danger of being 'slightly brainwashed' right?" she says raising an eyebrow, but smiling.

I've said the specifics to her before. And come clean with everything. That she will have loyalty to me ingrained in her being. I do not want to deceive her or something.

"Yes... 'lightly'." I say cheekily

"Fufu...I will have to refuse, Hector. You gave me this freedom, I intend to enjoy it. Sorry."

"Don't be. I'm glad that you will be here when I left. Eri and everything..."

"Don't worry. I will take care of Eri. And even take care of your legacy..." she says determinedly.

"I know. And I have a plan for it." I say to her confused face. Giving her my best sly smile.


Next day

At the moment I'm observing a unconscious Eri in a lab bed. Kaina-san by my side. All of Eri's scars are exposed for the world to see.

So far she has worn long-sleeved clothes, even on the beach. But this ends now.

With a combination of [Overhaul], [Rewind] and [Cell Activation] I get rid of all her scars.

"She really suffered a lot..." Kaina-san says.

"Yes... But thing will get better to her for now on."

"When are you going to tell her you can't continue to see her?"


It's harder than I thought. I spoke with Machia about moving to my world. But I don't even know if he understood. I think he'll follow me wherever I go.

"In time, now I have something to do. Wanna come?" I say.

"No... I'll stay here for when Eri wakes up." She says looking at Eri sleeping peacefully.

"It won't be long, but okay…" I teleport Away.


"This is all the gold I got. I have already taken my share." Giran, the underworld broker tells me pointing to a pile of gold bars.

I exchanged large parts of my valuables for gold. Which will have value when I get back, and it will be easier to load into Minecraft Inventory, which specializes in storing raw materials.

I could create gold and other precious metals with Yaoyorozu quirk [Creation], but cost me almost no effort to trade it now, so here I am collecting wealth. I'll be careful with the economy and with whom I make the deals in the future, I'm not stupid.

"Perfect. Thank you for you good work." I respond by putting everything away quickly. In addition to gold, I will take various equipment such as laboratory machinery, and PCs with large memory. Where I have already downloaded several studies that I had progressed in this world, such as robotics, nanotechnology, energy, blueprints and schematics... I could cheat with [Creation] to replicate after this is all over.

"Thank you, it was pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Dis." Giran talks while smoking a cigarette, I got his number from the League of Villains "I'd like to ask you something..." he says as I prepare to leave.

"Go on."

"You met with the League of Villains, right? Bubaigawara jin... What did you do to him?" He asks me seriously, seems like he cares about Twice's fate...

"He is alive. And overcame the trauma. But he will go to jail." I answer.

"*fuu*. As long as he is alive, he will always have hope to a better life..." he says blowing smoke before walking away.

"...I agree" I say before teleporting to the Lab.

(Put "You're somebody else"- Fiora Cash trust me. The slowed version if you want.)

After I get back, I see that Eri already wake up.

Maybe I should talk right now. Rip this band-aid already...

"Eri...can we talk a little?" I say approaching the duo. Kaina-san sees my serious expression and no doubt guesses the matter.

Looking into their big, curious eyes of Eri I can hardly speak... They're so shiny now. She overcome so much since I saved her from Overhaul.

"Eri..." I start again, mostly for my benefit. "I won't be able to stay by your side forever... I'll have to leave. In a few days actually..." And I wince seeing her eyes growing large and the pained expression that appear in her face.

"W-wha-why... You're going away too? Like mommy?" I feel like I was physically hit. "D-did I-I do something bad? I'm sorry... please don't abandon me. I will be a good girl I promis-" I can't take anymore. I hurry to hug her.

"NO. STOP ERI! It's not your fault. It's just that... It's just that... I don't know how to explain it to you right now. But my time in this world is limited from the start. And... and I can't take you with me..."

And it's true. I can barely protect myself in the world of Marvel. And using the Background Customization card would make Eri loyal to me. I can't do that. I can't alter her mind like that. She can't make that decision either... She is just a child.

She is better here...

"*sob sob* I don wanna. I want to stay with uuu... Please. Please. I will obey you. I will not cause trouble." Eri continues to cry, her head on my shoulder and squeezing my clothes tightly.

"Eri... It's not you. You're already a good girl. A nice girl. You're strong, Eri... Stronger than me. I know you can get over this." I say and pull her face away from my shoulder so I can look her straight in the eye. "I love you, Eri. I loved the time I spent with you. You will forever be my little sister. But your place is here. Can I ask you to be strong here? For me..." I say and she nods trying to hold back. the tears and failed miserably.

I don't think I'm much better than her...

I don't need to say any more for now. I just hold her until she falls asleep.

I never expected to get so attached to her. But if there is something I do not regret doing after I came into this world. Is to have saved her...


Eve of Hector Returns to Marvel World.

"Fuuu" exhaling I finish my daily workout routine.

Everything is ready. Tomorrow is the big day.

I've already put everything I want to take back in my inventory. High amounts of gold. Machineries and eletronics... A CPU with Terabytes of infomation. Even the corpses of theHigh-end nomus.

So far I don't know if all my choices were correct, but looking at the current situation and how it will turn out. And compared to the situation in the manga... I would say it was and will be an improvement.

"You're doing your best, Hector." I hear Shimura-san talking next to me.

I imitated that manga/anime "Tsuki ga michibiku isekai", in which the protagosnista allows that dragon Woman to watch drama in his mind, through memories. And I made the history I know of this world available to them. I only read till the U.A. traitor reveal, so I don't know what is the ending would be like without my interference.

But the holders believe that things will be better.

"Like, you caused a lot of pain-"

"Banjo-san!" Shimura-san yells outraged.

"…But, it avoided much more. For example, the heroes who would die in that war." He continues.

And it's true, it's a good comfort to my soul.

"Don't worry, tomorrow everything will be fine." Yoichi-san tells me.

*knock knock*

Hmm? Kaina-san? "Come in" I say and Lady Nagant enters my room in her nightgown.

"How is Eri?" I ask, the last few days she has been sad. But I believe she will get over it.

"Asleep. She's getting better. I think tomorrow she's going to cry again... So be prepared." she says.

"Ugh... Impossible to be prepared for this." I say.

"True... So... tomorrow is the big day. You're really going forever?" she asks

"Well... I don't know. Maybe there's a way I can come back. I don't know if I use my opportunity to come here again. I'll come back exactly to this world ... Or go to another version from this world." I say and to relieve the mood I continue. "Why? Will you miss me? I thought I left enough pictures of me. You can frame them all."

"Yes. I'll miss you, Hector." she says seriously.

"Eh..." she is being awfully honest right now.


"..." What is happening right now? can't be... or it can be?

"...You know, Hector." She begins.

"Yes, I'm Hector (Hector desu)" I say mimicking Kazuma.

"In hindsight I feel like I got carried away by the decision of others all my life. And I regretted it a lot. I don't want to have any more regrets. This will be my last opportunity..." she says approaching. Her cheeks getting darker.

"Wait... wait." Damn. I want to hit myself now. But I need to be certain." Are you sure?" I ask in a calmer tone. "I don't want you to feel like you need to repay me for anything or something"

"I'm not doing this to repay you. I'm doing this because I want."she says keeping eye contact.

"I'm minor."

"And I'm a villain. Why should I care?"

"It's my first time..."

"...Will be mine too." she says surprising me. Japanese culture, huh... Not so weird. A workaholic heroine that has been arrested. I can see the reasons.

*sigh* "If you're okay with me.. You know that after today we may never see each other again. It can create a feeling that will never bear fruit, Kaina-san..."

"I know. I don't need this to blossom into a relationship. While in prison I thought about all the things that were denied me... My youth is one of them. I never had the opportunity to go out or date people because I trained from an early age with the Commission to become a hero. So I want to do it now. With a person I respect, admire, like and trust..." she says seriously. The blush in her cheeks still present, but her eyes determined.

"I like you too, kaina…" I say moving closer. seeing her cheeks redden even more. "Let's make a good memory then... for the rest of our lives." I keep bringing my face close enough to feel her breath.

"yes..." she says closing her eyes before we give ourselves to each other.


"Wow. he is going for it" En say in Hector inner world.


"Shameless..." Shimura Nana says, bright red while covering her eyes with her hands. But peeking between her fingers...

"Didn't you have a child?" The second holder asks her.

"THiS AND THAT ARE DIFFERENT" She exclaims embarassed.

"Oh No. Our view of the outside world has been cut off!!!" Banjo screams.

"That's expected.

"Yes. obviously..."

"Thanks kami."

"*Sniff*They grow so fast." Banjo says emotionally as he wipes a tear from the corner of his eye.


Hector Last day in BNHA world

Taking a deep breath I prepare myself for my next step.

Machia, Stain, Kaina and Eri are with me. We are in the middle of an open part of the lab with room to house many people.

After last night, I thought things will get awkward with Kaina. But we managed to act normal. We are mature people after all.

"Machia, are you ready?" I ask while materializing a Background Customization Card, wanting to use it I see Machia as an option. After selecting it I see a prompt appearing in front of Machia asking if he accepts being turned into a card.

Listing the advantages and disadvantages. Machia doesn't think much and accepts. Machia glows and becomes particles of light that condense into a new card in my hand.

- Summon-only Card: Gigantomachia (Boku no Hero Academia).


Storing Machia in the unused cards tab I turn to the others.

"It's time. I'll do it..." I say.

"Stain will hide in the shadows above. And Kaina take Eri's hand and move behind me." I continue giving the orders

She nods at me and I nod back.

Closing my eyes I focus on the quirk [Warping], this Quirk allows the user to produce a black ooze-like liquid from other people's mouths. The black liquid then envelops the person's entire body and acts as a warping portal, vanishing along with the target before reappearing at a different location.

With my changes the liquid won't taste so horrible, the Custom Visual Perk helps not only with the visual appearance.

Boosting this quirk with [One For All] I reach the people I want to bring here. The people I stole the quirks from. People I have been fighting.

And the people to whom I will entrust the future of this world.



Part of a journey is the goodbyes.

Believe me, I wish I had taken Eri and Lady Nagant to the world of Marvel. But it doesn't feel right. This journey from Hector to the world of Bnha was a journey of growth. And growth sometimes means saying goodbye to certain people. It's part of life. I like my story more realistic. With my author powers, I could find a convenient way in which things would work out for Hector and everyone. And everyone would leave happilly after. But in the real world that's not how it works. Things are more complex. More difficult.

Next chapter is still today and is the last of Bnha Arc.

The last chapter ended up very big.

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

EvansKannoncreators' thoughts