
Trying Out The Weird Dance

"I'll spread the word, letting my people help yours in taking down the enemy," he suddenly said, not caring about my weird request, taking my words as a funny joke or something.

He was smart enough to guess what I wanted to do here. I wanted to cut down this time by a lot, and he felt I was just having a childish wish.

He didn't know that I got something up my sleeve, my board! It had the ability to control time around me, make it run faster or slow it down. And that was my simple answer to what he just said.

"Thanks for that," I knew this was going to save tons of trouble for my side, and also help me take out tons of forces without any worry, "can you ask your people to send any free and not needed fortress to come here? I'm going to leave behind tons of forces and leave them here on the dark planet and moons."

"Got it," he kept nodding as I spoke, and I didn't know if he was going to fulfil his promise or not.
