
How Take Giants Down

These dudes were quite scary! They needed ten thousand flashes to get killed! That was simply too much!

My glaive wasn't enough, and now I had to rely over my soulers to take them down.

These suited dudes were trouble! There was also something scary about them. They were able to take down many of my soulers at the same time.

Taking one of them down cost almost one hundred of my soulers! That was insane!

However I didn't give the order for Lucas to retreat. In fact, amidst all my forces, soulers and reapers were the only ones able to kill these crazy dudes.

But when the other geared warriors of mine stepped in, things changed.

My Bulltor like warriors were crazy! Their strength was quite formidable and it seemed these suited dudes got something against brute strength.

And when the shield bearer, like warriors, stepped in, used their combined skills, the losses of my soulers fell by a great margin.
