
The Weird Hills

Yet there were hills, many of them actually, scattering all over this world. They weren't that huge, but they looked in my eyes as if they were covering up something.

And if there was no one living on the ground, in the sky, then there was a single place that made sense for anyone to live in; underground!

"You don't think…" Legend's face changed, and in a few minutes, everyone else got the same expression on their faces.

"The enemy can't live up on the ground, and wasn't in the sky," I simply stated my reasons behind such a logical conclusion, "and that leaves us with one possibility."

I was heading already towards one of these hills. The hills didn't look any much different than the ground, except for one thing.

The ground anywhere we went released thin and thick pillars of smoke in different colours. However this wasn't the case of these hills.
