
I Want All Of Them!

First these bombs needed to gain momentum before releasing their fierce effect. So it was suited to be equipped over long ranged missiles so they could gain the desired momentum and speed.

Another side effect was that it was so deadly to clear out the entire region including the portals and any cities and towns.

So when used, I shouldn't expect anything to gain from that region.

At the same time, these bombs left behind a lethal effect that'd last for weeks. So after releasing them over a region, I should forget about any plans of reoccupying it.

In brief, it was the true embodiment of what a mass destruction weapon should be.

Aside from these long ranged missiles that would cover up thousands of miles before landing and the mass destruction weapons, there were lots of new interesting toys they made.

One of these was a modification of the mines to be able to be used against aquatic forces and also aerial ones.
