
The Arrival Of Sara

Even with my elite warriors, things didn't look that good. I felt like my warriors weren't enough to take the enemy down. And that was a true statement.

During the past hour, the warriors I sent were able to control different regions of the entire ten layers. But this wasn't even close to claiming the entire layers.

My hands were now tied down with controlling Hescos. After half an hour of trying without pause, I ended up controlling hundreds of thousands of these Hescos, and much more were this close from being added to this list.

But when one hour passed, I saw the pillar of light flashed and the incoming armies appeared.

And in the first batch, I spotted Sara coming out on her chariot. She looked deadly, like a queen from hell that just got to this world.

I didn't know why she looked like this, but I suddenly realised that it was my first time ever watching her fight in a long time.

Or was it because I never watched her fight from such a close distance? I couldn't tell…
