
Legend Gets What He Wanted

As for my forces, they kept fighting and killing without facing any problem. Their enemies were weaker race fighters, and the Hescos never stepped again into their place.

I felt like Hescos got the wrong idea. I didn't wait all this long to trick the Hescos to reinvade this region. But it seemed they were too cautious to even send a few legions out, even when exhaustion kicked in into my forces.

I was worried they might notice this and come hard at my exhausted forces. If they ever did, then it was bound for my forces to fall in large numbers without my ability to help.

But my test for the orbs passed smoother than I expected. And these Hescos seemed to be more inclined to their safe fortresses and towers than risking their lives to snatch an advantage from me.

For another hour, I finished binding all of the orbs they brought over and the others finished instructing their people. They started sending them to the Hescos world, preparing a place in the outer region for these dens.
