
Figuring It Out

If they did a great job and invented a much scarier form of ammunition for this cannon, then I was sure the defensive structure that looked so intimidating would crumble in the face of these cannons.

Yes! Show me, show the world the value of the genius minds of my kingdom. Scare the Hescos, scare the universe, scare everyone and let this battle be eternally engraved in their minds as the start of my human rising.

"Are these… Drones?" amidst the dense weapons packed and waiting to get deployed, I noticed something new amidst them.

They were small in size, compared to the gigantic pieces of arms around. They had different shaped bodies, not bigger than five metres in length, width, and height, with eight arms extended and rising up from their bodies, holding rotors with sharp and short blades.

They looked like planes, fighters but in small size. I looked over and couldn't see any cockpit place for anyone to drive or board.
