
The Start Of Zombies Attack!

Despite having all these thoughts, I didn't hurry up and crush their plans.

After all, I got the feeling that they were preparing something huge and not just simply bringing up their toys to threaten me.

"The quest will start soon, so it's better for you to prepare," the leading angel said with a mocking expression on his face.

It was as if he got everything under his control and I got nothing to do. For a second there I wanted to go and slap him on the face to wipe out such a smug smile.

But I controlled myself. They weren't enough to get me enraged or annoyed. In my eyes, they were just mere flies.

[Get ready for the battle] I ignored these unwelcome guests while sending such messages to everyone.

[Our forces are in place] Isac sent, [But there are still considerable amount of forces inside that world of yours]

[That's true] it seemed like Lily was with Isac, [we only brought out one fourth of our entire forces]
