
The Modified Tanks And Fighters!

In addition to that, I saw a shimmering dome surrounding these rocket launchers.

Without the need to ask, these were surely a force field formed by some sort of technology, giving these weapons another card of protection.

Next to each rocket launcher was a small cabin that was placed horizontally on the side of the vehicle.

Each vehicle had two of such cabins, and they extended all the way from the front till the back, going for more than fifteen metres or so.

Ah, I forgot to mention that the overall size of these rocket launchers increased by almost one fold. It wasn't just the sole case of the rocket launchers, but it also happened to the rest of the arsenal.

I saw one cabin open and a few rockets were arranged on the side of each rocket launcher. These weren't anything like the huge and explosive rockets I knew and saw before.

Each rocket was just like a rod, not exceeding ten centimetre in diameter, and almost half a metre in length.
