
Loran's Punishment

"Do you mean… This staff of mine wipes out its saved bookmarks when changing owners?" a realisation flashed by my eyes, "take it then. Check if the bookmarks you saved are there or not."

I tossed the staff over and once he grabbed it, he remained silent before a sigh of relief could be heard. "It's saved there, all is there."

"Great," it was something new even for me about my staff, "wait until I'm done. Then you can open a portal for the two of us to jump over."


Lucas stayed by my side silent while I kept working. Just as I was done, I casually asked:

"How big are our losses? Don't tell me we lost a lot!"

"Lord… We didn't have you!"

"It's not an excuse!"

I glared at him before adding, "I can accept losses, but to a certain limit. Exceed it and you two will get demoted! How much did we lose?"

"Lord… We lost ten percent so far," seemingly fazed by my words, he staggered a step or two before adding in a weak tone.

Ten percent? Well… It wasn't that bad.
