

Noticing how uneased all the workers were he rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen hurriedly. He found Arian immersed in the book he gave him and another sound caught his attention from the main entrance door. He turned to look and found his mama and some other women he had never met all coming into the mansion. He sighed and was about to walk away when he felt soft hands on his shoulders. He smiled and said:

"Mummy what is it?"

"Won't you say hi to your mama?" Westley smiled and said:

"I could say the same about her, don't you think?" Penny sighed and asked him with concern:

"What happened between you and your mama? You two used to be inseparable?"

"Well you should ask her that question?"

Westley clicked his tongue and was about to walk away from his mummy when a voice stopped him in his steppes:

"I am sorry my dear son. wont you please forgive your mama?"
