

When Mahina was returning back from Dora's hideout to the castle's tower, her little prison that was heavily fortified before she broke the barriers, Dora insisted that she would stay with Mahina for some time at the tallest tower where she was kept captive. Ever since that day the two have been staying together. 

As the sun creaked through the open doors of the balcony to the tallest room in the tower Mahina's face was graced by the heat. She yawned and got up as she strolled lazily to the balcony. She found the golden bird that use to sing to her when she was pregnant by the rails. She went closer to it and caressed the back of the bird gently and for the first time the bird did not run rather it only chirped happily at her. She smiled at the sun and looking at the direction of the bird she sat in a yogi posture and made really fast hand mudras. Her eyes turned white as the moon as she closed her eyes:

"Penny! Penny! ..."
