

Mahina was informed that the surgery was a success by one of the nurses. She rushed out of Alba's office and stationed herself at a corner upstairs while looking at the OR (OPERATING ROOM) room through her camera. She snapped Jaden when he came out together with the other doctors that assisted him and also when Alba came out of the screen room and shook his hands. she quickly returned to Alba's office and took out her laptop and began typing all that shew was informed about the surgery. Before Alba and Jaden could make it up she had uploaded the news. Arlo rand and gave Jaden a hug on arrival together with Alba:

"I am proud of you buddy! You did great." Arlo praised him excitedly.

Mahina smiled and said:

"You don't have to be concerned about a thing, I wrote down your valorous story as best as I possibly could. You are amazing man."

"I can't express how proud I am of you enough! You did great and using my techniques you must be very smart to be able to do that"
