
To The Gate of Acheron

Cain swung the tingles of Baalzebul at the Rakshasa, shocking them each time they tried to block his swings. The moment they realized they couldn't beat him in sword skill, they jumped back, charged a strange green spell, and got ready for a counterattack.

^Toxic claws, I see. A spell that should guarantee their win if it hits at least once. And it also isn't lethal, what are they planning for?^

"Care to talk this out?" He said with a smile.


The Rakshasas charged at Cain, swinging their swords.

He smiled, lifting his hands.

^You all came here in search of your queen, but sadly, she doesn't want to see you. Let's put an end to this. You won't completely die. This is hell, after all.^

ZON! In the blink of an eye, the Rakshasas found themselves standing alone in the middle of Nessus's wastelands, staring up at Cain floating beneath the clouds.
