
The last stay in Malbolge

Cain and Bela flew back to the fortress without looking back. A long trip awaited them. At the front gate, Zaleria, Farryn, and Hati stood, gawking at the oozing black sky.

"This place, it's creepy," Hati sighed, lifting her palm, "(I know what you mean. The ground is souled with the souls of sinners. It makes you appreciate how clean the outside world is)" Skoll replied.

Farryn looked at Hati, "The only reason we can stand here is Cain's aura. Without him, we would have died long ago."

"I know," Hati growled, "I wasn't saying anything bad about his protection. Just that I'm aware of what he is protecting us from."

"You're right," Zaleria said, standing beside the gate. KATON! Her body flashed ablaze. The flames condensed and stuck to her skin, forming a thin layer of a blazing inferno.

"What are you doing?" Farryn gasped.

"(Is she crazy?)" Skoll couldn't believe what she was seeing. Zaleria disables Cain's protection on her own and burns the hell's aura to protect herself.
