

Cain walked with Mei toward the private room she prepared for them to talk.

Deep in hell, almost as lower as it gets on the ninth layer. Asmodeus walked down the cursed stairs of her massive castle. With each of her steps, devils far away shuddered at the approach of her aura. Her feathery wings extended as she flew away, heading toward an old friend.

Looking down she could see the entire hellscape of Nessus, spike-like volcanos with lava dripping from their sides, Heavy acid rain, never stopping earthquakes, and cosmic tornados that could lift those volcanos from their base as if they were trees.

Yet, a city stood at the foot of her castle. A community was built under the protection of her presence, or to be more precise, the presence of the previous devil lord.

ROOOAAAR! She could hear it, feel it, the beast was hunting.

As she flew through the storms, feeling the burning on her skin. She heard it roar again, the demon who once devoured all of humanity.
