
Cain's awakening, The Enchanting System

{The circuit has been completed, checking for the body's structural integrity, all set}

The Magic that Cain made Alice cast on him started activating as he was about to wake up. He had her cast two spells, the first was to control his evolution and the second was to tinker with his second brain a bit.

The goal of the second spell was to make Cain's two brains act separately while still being the same person. This simply meant that he could converse with two people at the same time (When he isn't limited to his mouth such as with the spell [Message]), naturally being able to think about two things at the same time, never needs sleep as whenever he is using only one brain, the other will be sleeping and vice versa. As well have different opinions which will help in analysis and deduction.

He is essentially two people that agree on everything in one body.
