
A trip to Alseria

After making sure that they got everything necessary. Chad, Zaleria, and Mei headed toward the fallen Alseria country. Their aim is an abandoned house in its ruined capital.

As they walked just outside the city wall, Zaleria immediately shifted into her draconic form and roared. Her roar alerted the whole city. Surprisingly, people here in Furberg have already used to her presence so the children started jumping in excitement.

Zaleria shocks her body to stretch her limbs like a cat. It didn't help that she was taller than the city walls and her scales were ember hot.

"Now that I looked closer, you're bigger than an adult red," Chad said as he finally realized that, the last time he saw her was in their fight against the earth dragon. He just didn't pay her that much attention at the time.

"How rude! I'm an ancient dragon, not a mere adult!" Zaleria growled, the flames on her back slighting erupting.
