
Sacrifice To Survive

"I," said Adira, "have experienced this several times. At least, maybe five times."

"Five times?" repeated Naomi in disbelief.

For more than a year and Adira only had five unpleasant experiences, she must have been good at avoiding the soldiers' lustful eyes.

"How did you do that?"

Perhaps, the question from Naomi represented what the others had in mind towards Adira.

"No woman is willing to be raped, of course, all women including me are trying to find a way to avoid it all," said Adira. "Learning from that unpleasant experience, I noticed every gap when the men came to this barracks."

"Tell us!" asked Fraya a little excitedly remembering the method used by Adira might be able to save her and her friends later.

"Every time the men came, I always pretended to be asleep," said Adira.

"Just that?" Fray frowned. "Pretend to sleep?"
